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Incept dates given in the introfuction
The aside is presented painting the picture gloriously on the sunny Italian radii leading to the heel of the real deal wheel of life where Roman's celebrate then the age of ages winding down in retrospect winding up retrospectively  For Flux fly flock fl
Sheep toward sea side ward clouds dancing across blue sky light way Redondo beach redox receiving the salty sound sweet smell soft fire feet flee from leader seeder feeder fooling the few finding fee free Tao walks wu
逃 道 能 兀 母 目 鉬 个  
Puts some of the stuff that them Queens English speaking proper Brits did with heads on poles along the Thames pointing the way as ways are often pointed to by way farers... puts the Jesus story in to a bit of perspective too...One of many at a moment of moments before counting from Zero became all the fashion for those who read the books 📚 and persisted in talking the talk While walking the walk generating the juice Zapping the zappable until the pious pouts put the test to the tout nailing said nonce high in the sky noting no
New News next to fly sigh...burning oil brought by men when younger one born Bethlehem bent boughs backward olive oiled the scree copper colored cousin J covers tables copper with corners khaeye angles bee lightening strike electric alee table turn Tableau cornucopia commence felty flow g a tree three thence mommy dearest to Joeeyeo doth seye Eastward way with the water smelling salt sounds good to mee off we go my dearest never to return...walk this way the Egyptian do say this did they begin that day walking south suddenlay near to Salt near to sea up the mountain sleep Gethsemane eyes wide open snakes stand on scree heat holds heavy heave en ward handily hunting hydrogen oxygen comes twee twiddle dum dee a pair is a sum plump as a plumb when two will not do take two from the sum sunny juice here always there goes another one..aughing the laugh longing for none sunny juice fills me where salty sluice runs 
