LEss than a Life Mime

Questions you Charlie Answers me...b.b.b..buutt I was just tazed{}}{{}Look Charlie so they say you talk to the dead people like Bruce Willis is that right...Charlie IS that right...

Are you good with reality like Charlie lets see...

I See absolutely no problem for sellers of garbage to continue to do it. People obviously buy the junk. How many pieces of $1,000+ garbage are bouncing around the bottom of the junk drawer in the hovels of the homeless who paid for pieces of now useless glass and plastic.

As long as the public continues to consume garbage garbage will be produced.

Look at the biggest producer who is letting off the largest musky odor in the room. Looking for Carbon the most abundant component of the black hole that the minds of those who listen to this money maker spout about reality is frighteningly frightening. Caveat: said Carbon must come in shiny silver boxes with the letter T embossed on the forehead of the consumer..............

Start reading the Platonic Dia Logouz now. That is the only repair book which is going to fix clugy patchworkefd nonsense that the person who never watched the moon rise and counted the time to calculate the distance and the diameter in one fell swoop ever accomplished in less than a lifemime.
