7 Harrison St #32 aka real estate 010

Hey Francis,
this is a picture of what I have to offer
 to a unique and special buyer
looks like that in pictures and 
would be a pile of bricks 
sitting on a piece of dirt 
after an earthquake or well there is more on that below

Comes with the refrigerator

As you mentioned early in the excellent conversation yesterday you have a track record
of about 250 trips to the plate with a big bat against banking professionals and your estimate of what was
being thrown at you to be paper trailed on to the next potato catcher is now a part of
the permanent record as are the records recorded by the professionals
who do not do what you do and do
do something else too.

Whether or not you choose to share the record you have recorded with others is of course the luck
 we fortunate americans seem
 to have exclusively, but not to look at it yourself would certainly be a crime one would  not knowingly commit in violation of ones own self ownership and the knowledge which is available to one surrounding ones self ownership as all of that is this aka that relation to others
 what ever others
 those others
 may be 

So long story short hear this suggestion as you like

...put together a spreadsheet with these columns

last sale
friction to last sale from now


(the moment for the next last sale)


Annual Property Maintenance reported to have been expended


(aka spent by offer er on the offered offer previously k now n as a  bit of a bid)


Average market movement in the above defined moments of movement


me assured by being measured for the 

defined property ((type)) 

defining the type of peoperty

 properly proposed in the offer


Lender appraisal






estimate of the numerical relation ship between


the Item  above and  


the item above the item above)


Cash provider appraisal

 (aka 50% 0ver 

or under

next sale

 on average given your experience)

FrancisQ appraisal (scientific art)


First bid bidden


((the proper terminology 
to be used in analyzing a two sided transaction  




The bid is


the bid


made by


a potential buyer




   the offer


is the offering price




by the  seller


for the goods offered in exchange


for (())


                   the buyer may lift the offer to receive the goods offered


for a price


                    the seller may hit a bid and sell the offered goods


at the bid or below


                     the buyer may increase the bid


given new information or for any of an infinite number of                             


other possi bile buyer ill


(aka  reasons of reasons)


                      the buyer may cancel the bid at any moment of momentum Prior to the moment us get to the moment of 


Next last sale occurs when the buyer agrees to pay the most current offer then offered now and the 
trans action is recorded on the snail trail of email for posterior posterity

with the 250 or so data points you have in your bottom left desk drawer you now are the stock known as FRQ and
these are the data points to chart your performance over moments of recorded moment um 

since you wrote it you stand under it understanding it so this algo is your pricing model...with one small caveat
which happens to be bigger than a bread box and smaller than the potential universe of ideas about the size of the universe.

I understand completely that this is not the way someone is teaching real estate 101 but as we discussed, this unit
has been around the block a few rhymes and this is my personal experience 

There do exist an infinite number of meaning full 
aka means more or less than the mean determined by the full mean in g

 details thrown up against any wall to dance around teasing out
the difference between some general movement in the market which is fundamentally the price of a square foot of dirt
needed to stand on for one person and what the person standing on some multiple of said pieces of dirt has done to the dirt while
standing on the dirt in question

And so in a real question that has to do with reality when thinking about what it takes to stand on a piece of dirt and
live on one too there is a way to measure things which are measure able as feet are measures of something and air
is something too

Sadly your job seems to simply involve a significant amount of moments of momentum simply attempting to find out for yourself if the seller
you are attempting to handle a transaction for is being honest with you or not about how they have maintained the thing the seller has to
offer aka has been taken care of by the offerer of the thing for sale and correlating that with the (()) the seller dreams of retrieving for the work
put into the thing offered as described to the potential next offerer of the thing new to them which now needs to be maintained by the next seller
offering their work to the next buyer of said residual effort when said residual effect is left on the affected state of state of said dirt pile in the state of 
Washington in the City of Seattle in the Burg of QueenAnne in the Block of Harrison on the street of the river of tears

and on every other piece of dirt that any other person might live on on this pale blue dot
... so there you have it my friend.

the shortest possible summary of the above below

add this question to your question list in position number 2:

what do you estimate the annual maintenance cost of the offered unit to be
What have you paid while consuming the use of  said unit?

if both answers are: "I don't know" then you
the agent
the offer er
of the offer ed
 have to make it up.

right now you do
not ask so you
 have to guess

I know so you can ask me and you should already have a very
solid dollar figure for a place like this and it is a range just like they 
run from 240 to 360 the maintenance is an hour
 relative  to a year
 on a circle
and your algo can scale this up and down from 100 to 10000
as the market waves points into whole cloth

that is what makes these things distinct from condos in a condo
you don't own it you don't think about maintenance you don't do 
maintenance. Maintanence has a cost in a co op you pay the cost
with a premium so that there are people to manage the management 
while planning is done to plan to keep the workers working and washing windows
