Pi Π Θε φυνκτιον functioning ας αγεντ φορ μότιον commenly known in the common year as τιμε Πριμε Τημε Μπεινγκ νος

 Θε Σημ συμ π Ρέλατες εβερυ τωο ποιντς γουίχ δεφινε α λινε 

Pi is a function which relates any/every/each point in a set of two points to 

each other point where

each other point is identifiable

via two methods

rhhyme is the beat relating in relate ion ship each

to each  at a density of distribution defined along the diagonal

Begin hear

identify two points

identify the line identifying the two points identified

Circle the line pointed to by the points

 from each point

το εαχ ποιντ

Square the circles circled 

Pi the Gore ate the angles as degrees as radians as minutes as seconds 

as lengths of lengths measured in

 angular angles along

linear lines

circling the drain of a point at 

the point of a drain

the black hole of tomorrow 

feeding yesterday 

as now

Eye dental floss fly fi and π 

one pale blue dot

in one black hole bigger than a bread box

smaller than the largest

of large ness which

when π

Φ ιη Δ

is a point


by a point

defined by A


two cubed

me assured along the line length wise

pointedly virtuous in me assure mean T

Ιδέα φορ τοντέ:...

a global system of energy distribution

no transmission lines
built out of concrete
uses water and sunlight for fuel

this is what the pyramids
which when observed from the sky are all around the pale blue dot
once worked as

look at the weight boxes carried by all the muscular forearmed poppy sniffing peyote head dress
and beard distributor wearing communicators with the mother herself yes the fire you walk on
under and are light stuck together with a bunch of magnetic forces communicating like lightning

think about that one...a bolt of lightning...: and go look up on the AI how many...: lightning strikes there

Since each gram of matter is known to have about 1024 protons, or about the same number of hydrogen atoms (since one hydrogen atom has only one proton), then the total number of hydrogen atoms would be roughly 1086 – aka. one-hundred thousand quadrillion vigintillion.

Drawing a bowl, dome, or sphere

In this example, you look at one way to draw a bowl and how to apply the technique for creating a bowl to a dome or sphere.

In a nutshell, to create bowl, you draw a circle on the ground plane and a profile of the bowl's shape directly above the circle. Then you use the Follow Me tool to turn the outline into a bowl by having it follow the original circle on the ground plane.

Here's how the process works, step-by-step:

  1. With the Circle tool (), draw a circle on the ground plane. These steps are easier if you start from the drawing axes origin point. The size of this circle doesn't matter.
  2. Hover the mouse cursor over the origin so that the cursor snaps to the origin and then move the cursor up the blue axis.
  3. Starting from the blue axis, draw a circle perpendicular to the circle on the ground plane (that is, locked to the red or green axis). To encourage the inference, orbit so that the green or red axis runs approximately left to right along the screen. If the Circle tool doesn't stay in the green or red inference direction, press and hold the Shift key to lock the inference. The radius of this second circle represents the outside radius of your bowl.
  4. With the Offset tool (), create an offset of this second circle. The offset distance represents the bowl thickness. Check out the following figure to see how your model looks at this point.
are there... in... well lets cheat

a hot second
a minute of hours
an hour of minutes
a day and a half
a buck three eighty

  1. With the Line tool (), draw two lines: one that divides the outer circle in half and one that divides the inner circle that you created with the Offset tool.
  2. With the Eraser tool (), erase the top half of the second circle and the face that represents the inside of the bowl. When you're done, you have a profile of the bowl.
  3. With the Select tool (), select the edge of the circle on the ground plane. This is the path the Follow Me tool will use to complete the bowl.
  4. With the Follow Me tool (), click the profile of the bowl. Your bowl is complete and you can delete the circle on the ground plane. The following figure shows the bowl profile on the left and the bowl on the right.

there is a show not apparently well measured and the show is delivering (((word here))) to the
pale blue dot which when sucked into a point at the end of a measuring device is well measure able

where does the measure (((word ear))) ed go? well into tiny pale blue dot is the seemingly not bounced
ip address that the fire like no substance was addressed to ya think? goes right through some and
through others leaves a bit of a mark which the good ole way accurate puncture ists were using a minute or two
ago to run current through friends and paying customers looking to get a little needed needle relief
in the most punctuated accurate way...but we digress do we not fortunately not magnetic ally

...:...: ignore the ants more of them then lightning strikes in a (((word hear))) now you know there is no off switch

oh dive urgency diverges and lost words found around the bend the Beverly Hillbilles struck oil and the light went out

hear we are a few minutes later and this thing is still spinning pretty damn consistently at 1000 miles per whatever other
group of distributions of a line moving around a point to form the imaginary image of a circular circle of circles

look at the video of Venice not today but at the height of the toilet paper panic a few moon cycles back when everyone
was very very likely to be the cause of the death of someone else and themselves unless a certain certainty was ascertained
the waterz in the canalz of Venice were crystal clear for a hot second

the air where the toilet paper compromized fuel burners were not burning fuel was clearer than a spring day somewhere
some miles around in three direction s at one c

Idea for your grandchildren: Rebuild the Free Electric System (what)
Next to the old one (where)
Concrete (what of)
They Pyramids and the Surrounding concrete buildings all over (where are the instructions written in stone)
Not imaginary monuments to imagined victories in imaginary voyages of imaginary ships in the imaginary night quiet as a mouse
power plant portals pulling pushing the pull and the push making waves out of parts of particles particularly pure in purpose period

a global system of energy distribution
no transmission lines
built out of concrete and stone
uses water and sunlight for fuel

this is what the pyramids
which when
observed from the sky
are all around the pale blue dot
once worked as

look at the weight boxes carried by all the muscular forearmed poppy sniffing peyote head dress
and beard distributor wearing communicators with the mother herself yes the fire you walk on
under and are light stuck together with a bunch of magnetic forces communicating like lightning
you know the ones who wrote in triangles and spoke in triangles and built triangular buildings
out of roundly crushed garbage strewn all over the lot on the pale blue dot

think about that one...a bolt of lightning...: and go look up on the AI how many...: lightning strikes there

are there... in... well lets cheat

a hot second
a minute of hours
an hour of minutes
a day and a half
a buck three eighty

there is a show not apparently well measured and the show is delivering (((word here))) to the
pale blue dot which when sucked into a point at the end of a measuring device is well measure able

where does the measure (((word ear))) ed go? well into tiny pale blue dot is the seemingly not bounced
ip address that the fire like no substance was addressed to ya think? goes right through some and
through others leaves a bit of a mark which the good ole way accurate puncture ists were using a minute or two
ago to run current through friends and paying customers looking to get a little needed needle relief
in the most punctuated accurate way...but we digress do we not fortunately not magnetic ally

...:...: ignore the ants more of them then lightning strikes in a (((word hear))) now you know there is no off switch

oh dive urgency diverges and lost words found around the bend the Beverly Hillbilles struck oil and the light went out

hear we are a few minutes later and this thing is still spinning pretty damn consistently at 1000 miles per whatever other
group of distributions of a line moving around a point to form the imaginary image of a circular circle of circles

look at the video of Venice not today but at the height of the toilet paper panic a few moon cycles back when everyone
was very very likely to be the cause of the death of someone else and themselves unless a certain certainty was ascertained
the waterz in the canalz of Venice were crystal clear for a hot second

the air where the toilet paper compromized fuel burners were not burning fuel was clearer than a spring day somewhere
some miles around in three direction s at one c

Idea for your grandchildren: Rebuild the Free Electric System (what)
Next to the old one (where)
Concrete (what of)
The Pyramids and
the Surrounding concrete buildings all A round (where are the instructions written in stone)
Not imaginary monuments to imagined victories in imaginary voyages of imaginary ships in the imaginary night quiet as a mouse
power plant portals pulling pushing the pull and the push making waves out of parts of particles particularly pure in purpose period

You my friends start the go fund me and this bag of salt water is in for a buck a day

Idea #.5 Start reading Plato on the video thingy here and understand how the state is a state of states stated to state the status of said stately standing stationary statue of david representing the idea of you

start hear...:https://youtu.be/bhn7-2ITK1k?t=1800

there is no off switch not even the ones sold at home depot turn things off they change states states change density cities sit
stand run provide consume clean contain the con make concrete the cycle of build learn rebuild

or not

food for thinking thinkers...:...:

in the described di script ion given


the ex ample used is
a line of length 8 aka eight where
8X3=something somewhere to some one or some pale blue dot

or not

personally I have read that now and listened to it more than 10 times since beginning to get the idea that
there is more to a trangle than radians presented as angles in the sinuous way made overly convoluted
through calculated containers of constant calculations provided by calculators using calcu lust
and up to now or at least when now was now a few nows ago so

pi the gore and find the Σ (((φ))) Aλλ Δ
and if not the sum of all deltas then
the sum of the angles
straighten it out by dividing by π
pound it round where π ΗΣ φ(θη)Δ
and where other than here is
π is sure to be found

food for thinking thinkers...:...:

in the described di script ion given


the ex ample used is
a line of length 8 aka eight where
8X3=something somewhere to some one or some pale blue dot

or not

personally I have read that now and listened to it more than 10 (((word hear))) since beginning to get the idea that
there is more to a trangle than radians presented as angles in the sinuous way made overly convoluted
through calculated containers of constant calculations provided by calculators using calcu lust
and up to now or at least when now was now a few nows ago so

pi the gore and find the Σ (((φ))) Aλλ Δ
and if not the sum of all deltas then
the sum of the angles
straighten it out by dividing by π
pound it round where π ΗΣ φ(θη)Δ
and where other than here is
π is sure to be found

level of accuracy select able by the user
at a level of granularity of an 8Θ written sideways twice
begins with 3
ends where it ends
never changes
always changing
never speaks
always tells a story

then some smartypants invented bay see and guess in the fog dog
chop yup...:...:a circle into squareicles and start telling a story of gory glory

the rest is...:...: yeah:...:... what is said

leave ya with this

who wrote the code that (((X?!!GΥGΔTΣ Σ)))

a. sold to the buyers for two decades
b. was told by employees prior to 2000 that 2000 is 00 in computer talk after 00 or not
c. sold to the buyers the solution for the problem purchased by the purchased σολυτιον purchases
d. sold calls to purchasers of calls offered for sale at strikes of lightening all along the curve
e. Made It Conning Royally Only Students Of Φυτς Θης
Φ. ΑλΛ οφ θέ αβοβε
