A sphere is flattened a little at 100 to 175 sets of 5280 sets of 12 at an angle of 24 degrees what is the outcome

A line 
A Triangle
A Cone
A Conic

Definition 18

When a right triangle with one side of those about the right angle remains fixed is carried round and restored again to the same position from which it began to be moved, the figure so comprehended is a cone. And, if the straight line which remains fixed equals the remaining side about the right angle which is carried round, the cone will be right-angled; if less, obtuse-angled; and if greater, acute-angled.

Definition 19

The axis of the cone is the straight line which remains fixed and about which the triangle is turned.

Definition 20

And the base is the circle described by the straight line which is carried round.
The right triangle ABC with right angle at A is rotated about the side AC to produce a cone. The axis of the cone is AC, and its base is the circle with center at A and radius AB.

 Conics. In Euclid’s time conic sections ere taken as the intersections


 a plane at right angles

 to an edge

 (straight line from the vertex) 

of a cone. 

When the cone is acute-angled, the section is an ellipse;

 when right-angled, a parabola;

 and when obtuse-angle, a hyperbola.

 Even the names of these three curves were given by the kind of angle, so, for instance, Euclid k new

 a parabola as a “section of a right-angled cone.” 

Apollonius named them ellipse



Suppose a ball ((())) is μετρό with a force of forces at position ((()))

...:... ον α τ Ακα ΤΣΣΔ ΥΠ

θε Ομπιεκτ δελιβερινγκ της φορσσε το της ποιντ at position ((()))

at a velocity of ΘΘ 88 sets of 5280 sets of 12 per unit of the you knit circle

sliced into 24 equal cones of 60 equal cones of 60 equal cones at the third level down where 24 χ 60 χ 60 = 86400 are marked off the at the on ramp of the next

addition to the subtraction from the 360 commonly known and εξπτικαλλυ loved sections containing commonly 60 sections of commonly 60 seconds which are thirds in the plane of space containing the space of planes at minute intervals of hourly loved interval Ζάζα

seen pair of interval ate ing interval eyez ing at ion often seen (...+...)

as the intersection of two lines rather than the lack of intersection of three lines

masquerading as circular chords in a cordless slow sigh ity

as thirds in stead given the third power of seconds manifest in a minute

making up hours of calcu lost calculating along the wrong Y road taken...:...:...

Suppose the force of forces delivering the force to the former circle

now a sphere

due to the force of forces forcing the here into the there as the tee takes


at an angle of 30 degrees from the horizontal


We want to find:

1 the maximum height flown to by the recovering sphere

1.b the horizontal distance flown to weigh less ness arrest at apex

2 the horizontal distance flown by the sphere recovered from the dent

3 the horizontal hyperbola of possible di vers ion from the L ion :.

4 the pile of seconds in the minutes in the hour in which said forces fly forth

5 the sum of the weights adding to the weight of the ball on the ΠΛΣ

δ της συμ οφ της Weight s of the forcer forcing the circle into a sphere

First, let’s find the initial horizontal and vertical velocity.

The horizontal velocity using trigonometry is cos(30)*40 = 34.6 m/s....40/34.6

The vertical velocity is sin(30)*40 = 20 m/s...40/20

aka άκά cos(30) χ 88 ft/s = 76 ft/s

sin(30) χ 88 = 44 ft/s

Equations of motion

The equations of motion, also known as SUVAT equations, are used when acceleration, , is constant. They are known as SUVAT equations because they contain the following variables:  - distance,  - initial velocity,  - velocity at time  - acceleration and  - time. However, each SUVAT equation does not contain all variables so for answering some questions it might be necessary to use one or more of them. The equations are as follows:

S = (U + V)*T/2

where S = displacement

U = initial velocity of the object

V = final velocity of the object

A = acceleration (usually g)

T = time of flight

 true for both the vertical and horizontal components of the velocity


nice round set (.) numbers

things disappear from the space behind the magician for a hot second when a thumb appears in the picture...:

take a stick
hold the stick as if you were about to hit something with said stick
and you mean to hit the object struck hard as hard on a scale of

feather to the accumulated cumulus of one pound of flesh in the form of an
an iron hammer head is moved through the ocean known as air to a point of
pointed impact ποιντεΔ to as a thumb holding a nail about to be pounded into
the length of former living for meds collection of dirt repackaged with the aid of
a little sun and some moist ur ακα α Λιτλ Σ at the average pressure about to be pressed
in a focused format at the iron remnant of an older old tree now back to the beginning of
begun when Iron is the sum of the products brought forth from the bilge and the burn

look at the thumb lined (sorry to use straight language) up down the
edge of the round object jutting of and off into in f(in it) Σ the E that is a 3
when the perspective is β up side down or down side up the sum is the nut

and press the pressure pressing you to the plinth into the ΦΓound representing
a pounder held at length (take a sharp object like a rock and) make a mark where the
big K nuckle knuckles under to the overlords in the fantasy inspired books of baking bread
to the joint that points to the fin in ity aka ι where the end begins at the beginning of the ended which
when mended with a little ether make the breathing a bit piecier...:

yes that inch there that would in the event that the generally available tool for finding things
is able to generally locate at least two off said joints in a joint οφ yourΣ ΟΓ out in the cave where the
free roam and the rest of it sits around looking for the next complete set of things which are
contained in the container con taining with the appropo affine training amorous numbers where
once only blunders mixeΔ Θπ Πarab()laΣ Γουίτη other cuts of bee(φ) where the f key used to bee

now ξ αΣ ιν χ τη Σ divisor by the dividend and rend unto fat that which is some f(number)...:
turns out to be for the average you and the averaged me about 33 and closer to 36 the number of its
in a collected collection of its with 60 ι running around looking like π when the eye is the needle and the
length given by the circular circus circling you with collected collections of colors down to hue where the
hair is the arc often throwing off sparks as electric you spins another yarn into a few more drumsticks of

stacks of the square root of two cubed with a few olives thrown in for greed and green for the feed who knew

long story short you invent a ruler by looking at your thumb and realizing...(because no tv and such)...: that
you can use that as a stick to measure the things such as the entrance to the cave which now from your man cave
out where you do the chopping and the fiber management (aka your still down by the river where the barley grows well)
you are able to realize that all the times you thought you were obliterating Μπλανς Γουεν and when Blanche was yelling for you
to not forget to bring up some meat when you come back soon to cook dinner there is another use for it like rolling the stone from
the front of the cave and instead of smoke billowing out from the oil lamp left burining (just in case)... well yeah there is another use
for the thumb other than the common expression commonly used by the father of this thumb handler when commenting on the less

than fully employed employing the most useful instrument known to thumb possessing readers for well a butt plug is the common parlance

V = U + AT 

 substituting multiplying dividing

            V2 = U2 + 2AS;    

for the result for ΔιΣ Πλακέμέντ 

    S = UT + AT2/2

....Spreadsheet here             
