epitaph for aapl

epitaph for aapl...:...:

They armed an army with cash registers each obedient soldier believing the 
well oiled story that the source of the fun was funny money when fleecing the 
flock was the first thought thunk by the sheep breederzaza...:...:and so it goes
as said by Billy as said by Kurt as said by those speaking the words so it goes...


A generation of imaginary business owners buying your time to sell to the next one down the line by selling their time to you the one with the shoe stuck up his ass like 
an impossible bottle made of pure Venetian glass... 

the chain of googolplexity in itty bitty shitty plastic and glastic ticking the tock to tomorrow as an over inflated stock

As the worm turns the imaginary business owners like all dependents on the pendant
pretending to be the purse turn out to be the cash register operators from
the bottle top which is firmly inserted in the bottle bottom through the 
eye of the tiger chasing the dragon into the deep blue yonder

 with the populous ly popular ideas in the populoulsly populated idationxz of ideatiors now ideating ideas in popular space aka in between the googol of ads adding up to 
the drain inducing downward sucking sound sending all senses to the sunny
side of the street for a quick and publicly price eye event...:...:

The death knell tolled from the olive tree the day a wood burning carpenter turned
to the light of the night and saw the electricity running from here to there in every
single thing and in all the silly sets pretending to contain something special under 
the pressure of the same set of three spinning rings of some nambulent fire where the salt lines spire into solid lines of imagined light slicing open the darkened bark of the dark salt filled night with flashes of light in crescent incessant until the end which never goes as the essence of the in is the coming of the out...:...:...

Causing a fright to those on the right as the dark is the light and the night is the white against which the red is written from dead sleep as they say both night sleep and in day when light sleep smells like preaching the speech that the sleeping did reach...:::

ding ding ding the alarm clock doth ring

alarming those lying down parallell to the sound of 24000 hounds hunting for tomorrow the dog doth speak as the ravens red beak sends solid sound slyly
forth echoing along the water way made solid as the air filling rubber tires
with watery sound at the pressure of round

makes no difference what is pushing the air around the sound now is 
the cumulative sales record of the current current sunning and 
running things pretty much the way they were somewhere 
else a big big pile of garbage ago much of which has 
yet to be re preocessed into the elementary ele
trick ment and the rest of it again to keep
the fires buring brightly for now
