long story short...the road to rome is lined with electricians nailed to old telephone poles

long story short...the road to rome is lined with electricians nailed to old telephone poles

back in the day when the power re distributors were turned on things ran on wireless wirelessly

people didn't care what the iphones said they knew how to read the sun which was always correct
any hour minute month or whatever it needed to be and had proven the movement of the pale blue
dot to the nano nanuk using sticks stuck in the ground to demonstrate the demonstrable force felt
and fielded by the big cement power banks...:...:...:...:

not taxable not even billable as the it that was it was not itish and too skittish

then some genius wandered into a tar pit smoking a big fat one one night during a new moon
and boom oil was the clearly unclear way to clear up the problem of energy with no residual by
produced waste needing to be managed when idiots used it the wrong way ...:...:

...:...:...see bible babble references to people picking up invisible snakes and striking fig trees with
invisible powers powerful enough to make a fig flower or fall from a fig tree

around 30 or so full moon cycles into the electric career of one hot electrician who was commonly
known to be the son of as well as a former carpenter himself i.e. telephone pole maker not linesman...:...:
only knew enough about the art to get his flapping lips in trouble and in the plan to make them
stupider than they were already trained to believe they were told they were when the new new
speaker of the old old electric babble came rolling through town the currently employweed tax
deciders and recorders and collectors decided to do what they had done to the rest of the woke
wanderers talking loose talk about freely free energy available to all current tax paying tax payers
along with the general thieves and common pick pockets who had failed to both catch the buzz and
catch the falling arrows the right way by the feathers and cut society some slack as the herding of
cats is always simpler than crowd control at a buzzfest of any sort...:...:...

and so there he is nailed to the work he worked on while working on working less by talking more
until the one with the sour sponge said enough talk my electric friend your light burns bright up there
nailed to the stick which will trace in the sky the line for which you die the one from the sun to the place
we all run to and fro as the sun wind blow making this thing go orthogonal to HH((())) the lines in the snow


a compost sit of three directions being moved at two ends of a stick in complete complimentary
directionless directed direction the oft quoted same spot from which today another image is presented
tomorrow is the day after as it was the day before in a different place and most likely some spot in the lack of
spotted background with which is its exist and existance moving making the mirror of the moon mimic the
shadow of the son of piglet pretending to be the pretender pooing who?
