
this is the first of the next $45,000 that I was told $48,000 ago was going to fix the plumbing some day in 2015...:

I realized last night that I did not have the kitchen completely done because the wall behind the kitchen sink is the wet wall...

as I explained to the agent I was explaining this to yesterday, 
I like the other 35 owners expected someone else to do what they said
they were willing to do and had volunteered to do and 
did not want to be asked any questions about the details of what they were doing
and so here we are hearing another story. 
Said agent has in three or four transactions always dealt with different people on the board who are always
other other people who have replaced the last group of voluntary volunteers who volunteered to do jobs that they never did before when the last 
 who had volunteered to do the same jobs needed to be replaced because they realized or someone else realized or they realized that someone else had realized in addition to possibly themselves 
that they did not know what
their job was much less 
how to do the job
 that needed to be done. 

Same exact situation as the Charter school management mess which I learned in for a good few ...:...:
and you seem to have had this experience too in dealing with employed self employers who employ
your time making your life better by doing what they decided you should have told them to do now
that they are your employweed employees...:...:...:

define a straight line as 
a line from point a to point b 
contained by point a and point b
 along the 
imaginary axis of X generally depicted as a segment of the horizon might appear to a blindered horse
walking toward a cliff that ends at the end of the imagined imaginary line known for posterity as the X axis
contained by an angle of 180 degrees defined along the Y axis the axis representing the depth at 
a slice of  slice able things defined using the unit concept of units dividing units into unitized unitites 
all united up at the point of 360 the large circle of smaller incremental increments dividing down the
circled up roundness found in circular appearing and circular being subjects objects tangible imaginable
solely as blown up points of perfect roundness down to the point at the top of the i or the baseline made of more than two out of line ...:...:...ants

Thusly thus:

the line de line Σ ating the ator aka the equal maker of this side with that side 
top to bottom wise when viewed this way rather than that way is then in the when or the 
now both and always related to the other by the related relationship to the mother the one
which once and always was will be and is now Θ Λοοκ Σ λικε θατ υν Ελένη ΙΣε 
pointed to as the point of the point and the centered center of the center of attention
the Θ is found hiding under and at the confluence of the 8 key with the cute little * on top...:...:

A line is a set of points bounded by the boundry of points a and b defined in all senses of density along
the angle formed at any point here to fore to be pointed to as the ((())) pointy set of no particular points
centered around a point pointing to the point of the point to be made as 

β - α = Λινε line λένγκτήζ  length at density ((()))

at  θ the Δensity aka ΔΘ the point where you go off the page and into space now to be
completely complimented by the ζ θάτ ζ((()))rr((())) can only swallow the line leading
off into the idea that a page can only express at the depth of the drawing done to donate
the picture in the head of the hearer with the image in the imagination of the thinking 

the line defined then by a and b containing angle A suddenly by no action other than the real c action pre sent by every action activating a set of sets creating three newly new spacial  spaces suddenly stops not existing and as all becoming becomes the being comes out and all that is left inside is 180 degrees of straightness be and a little nt around a couple of turnbuckles useful counter for counting countable content where the circular self referral can be pounded out of the pulsating promotional pro mo videos and put on a line de line ate and 8 ings later as a line of length x bent to self content around the former tent of 2 now like a shoe in need of a foot the rest is moot the game is one the sum is none the prime number plumb pulls the into outof the out and puts three and three together at the edge of the sun to hide the suture where saturation sounds sweet 

a clock is born out of the line bent around tomorrow pointing at yesterday lit by the imaginary lume of dark night and often day lit light dreams of memes and scenes other than the one presented to the cones and the rods of the retinal retaining  wall the hall of these and those the images of uni-magined magination eyes wide shut...:...:...:in spun around the pineal gland in that flashy flowing magic wand the hard wires bringing every collected cone crimp white as bright along the big circle contained by the contain less un conotain able the content keeps streaming from there to there passing here where we  are passing gas back to the givers of the beans bent on being born again on a breeze bringing burnt offerings baring bold buckets burgeoning with thing after thing felt on the wing a light ethereal ring that can sing a song to you when you sing too

Newtome is a new system 
of old measurement
 for curved surfaces

a year is comprised of 360 degrees of movement of 
one pale blue dot circling one hot red dot there are 
five more than 360 divisions divided along the length defined
by the 360 defined by the length defined by the distance
from the pale blue dot to the hot red dot the extra five 
come out in the wash as one night of the long knives
per quarter when a round watermelon is quartered and
the kerf is always lost in every cut...

the distance from here to there you ask measured in what
you said the multiple multi plyed by the divided to provide 
the answer given 
one degree is the width of the pale blue dots in terms of two
i so sole eyed tri fangles with the addition of the additional add ons
 aka five free five guys burgers

the smaller circle circling the smaller smaller red hot ball which
is the center of the central point surrounded by the surfing surface
of the pale blue garbage disposal kept clean by the washing machine
effect of the wet atmosphere pushing off the ball of oxygen fondly known
as the moon over swanee river washing the dirty dirt down hills until the 
liquid sandpaper effect of the weight of the water contained in the oceans
pounds the garbage back into useable raw materials aka water silicon carbon
three things made of three things held together in three ways by one force working
in three directions at the same moment creating the illusion of no movement where 


is no thing
 not moving
 due to
 the motion
 aka the slow mo ion depicting the natural rate of ionization

that one measures eight thousand miles from pole to pole and from Soul to sole either way 8 = Δ 
the distance traveled around the self then is Δ χ 3 aka 24,000 miles over which an imagined thing is superimposed
the distance traveled around the other then is Δ χ 360 the useful number of degrees in a useful circus with a bit of 
slop thrown in to cover the seams with sound sutures 8000*365 = not the distance from the earth to the moon at 240000 miles no
671 million miles ​traveled ​in the blink of 15 degrees you say wot? Hammered into a straight line that adds up to a pile of rhyme...:...:

The speed of light in vacuum, commonly denoted c, 
is a universal physical constant that is exactly equal
​...:...​ to 186,000 miles ​traversed over the ​p​ur​r​ scent of one​ second:...​:...

and so the question becomes the question that the question is how many whats are in a second? since you can just start multiplying zekonds by 1/ zeros you got zippo

the thing contained in a second is a distance there is one for the earth 
24000 miles traversed by a dead tree nailed into the bleu ball
24x60X60 second thirds later = 86400/24000 = 3.6 miles/second
* 24000 miles = 86400 seconds 
1 second = .27 miles = 1466 feet = 17600 inches

where one of those is a multiple of the divisor of these aka 360 degrees multiplied by the divisor of mr minutia 
re upped at the upper band of down where another load of sixes sexes up the sauce in the second oldest profession since 
the con sieved conception  of immaculate con septic systems
and other methods of disposing with the done with aka fish bones and other cat litter

real relating to reel in the way known family are ity bitty illy as reality
the di standing between the earth to the sun to the earth again on the sunny other side of the dark side
total miles traversed by a traveler with or without a cardboard sign asking for anything to help the ride 
amounting to 93,000,000 miles on a side or as they say in Kuwait, wait for it ​the same speed traveled by this
​is the divisor of the round shape of that at the appointed divisor of 3 point whatever fits the bill ​
not that either...:2,920,000 units of units or ....

lets AI it:...:...:

About 66,600,000 results (0.67 seconds)

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Earth/Current Distance from Sun
Earth's average distance to the Sun is about 93 million miles from the Sun.Feb 1, 2020

perfect language languaged up by the AI the Earths distance to the sun is about as much as the earths distance from the sun
accounting for the 5/4 quarters of slop needing to be slopped up the slope to complete a circus in the required require meant
to be 360 degrees of free freedom until some shiny penny decides to add in his two cents...:...:
