names for numbers

THE ELEMENTS OF EUCLID. INTRODUCTION. Geometry is the Science of figured Space. Figured Space is of one, two, or three dimensions, according as it consists of lines, surfaces, or solids. The boundaries of solids are surfaces; of surfaces, lines; and of lines, points. Thus it is the province of Geometry to investigate the properties of solids, of surfaces, and of the figures described on surfaces. The simplest of all surfaces is the plane, and that department of Geometry which is occupied with the lines and curves drawn on a plane is called Plane Geometry; that which demonstrates the properties of solids, of curved surfaces, and the figures described on curved surfaces, is Geometry of Three Dimensions. The simplest lines that can be drawn on a plane are the right line and circle, and the study of the properties of the point, the right line, and the circle, is the introduction to Geometry, of which it forms an extensive and important department. This is the part of Geometry on which the oldest Mathematical Book in existence, namely, Euclid’s Elements, is written, and is the subject of the present volume. The conic sections and other curves that can be described on a plane form special branches, and complete the divisions of this, the most comprehensive of all the Sciences. The student will find in Chasles’ Aper¸cu Historique a valuable history of the origin and the development of the methods of Geometry.

The following symbols will be used in them:— 
Circle will be denoted by J 
Triangle ,, △ 
Parallelogram ,, 
Parallel lines ,, ∥ 
Perpendicular ,, ⊥ 


addition+, −, 
&c. of 
congruence, namely ≡. 
This symbol has been introduced by the illustrious Gauss. 



 The Point.
 i. A point is that
 which has position
and not dimension

 A geometrical magnitude
 which has three dimension
Dimension ions

 that is, aka they are 

of the unit con
tainer aka the city in the state of states stated to be the unit of 1 the one of unity the great divider multiplied by itself becoming the great multiplier of the inverted in verse and in the n of n where angles jangle

Which When 
is a solid;
has two dimensions 
That are called as such as
 length and breadtH
Width and Height
depth and direction

And when

 is a surface;
 has one dimension
That iss called such as is a 

 And Thus
 a point is:

 neither a solid
 nor a surface
 nor a line
 hence it has no
dimensions—that is:
length, breadth, thickness
it is:
Unit length at
 unit breadth at
 unit thickness
multiplied by it

The Line...

ii. A line is length
 without breadth
a  line then is a point
width length
within breadth

A line is space of  ποϊντ y dimension z Διμένσιονζ
any breadth...:no matter how small 
be space of two dimensions
any thickness be 
space of three dimensions
a line has neither breadth nor thickness...:
Line is length at thickness of the unit de line

  iii. The intersections of
 lines and
 Λίνε extremities are points.

 iv. A line
 which lies evenly
 between its extreme points
Έχετε Α Αντ Β αρε της Εξτρέμ ποιντς
 is called
 straight Στραιγητ 
 or right Ριγητ
 line Λίνε, such συχ as AB


 a point move


 changing direction will Σcribe
 a right line...:...

 in which a point moves in
 called its 

 the moving point continually change Δ
 it will Πscribe
 a curve

 hence it follows that only one right line can be drawn between two points. 

The following Illustration is due to Professor Henrici:—“If we suspend a weight by a string, the string becomes stretched, and we say it is straight, by which we mean to express that it has assumed a peculiar definite shape. If we mentally abstract from this string all thickness, we obtain the notion of the simplest of all lines, which we call a straight line.”

The Plane. v. 

A surface has length and breadth

A surface::
is space
 of two dimensions

 I Σ  thickness
 for if 
had any thickness
 however thinly small 
 would Χαβε HAVE three dimensions
αν θυς Β Σπάσε

SPACE the third dimension

...:... When a surface is:
 the right line joining
 any two arbitrary points
 in it
 lies wholly
 in the surface
aka it
and aka it
 is called
 a plane

 A plane is perfectly
 the surface of still water

Figures. vii. Any combination of points, of lines, or of points and lines in a plane, is called a plane figure. If a figure be formed of points only it is called a stigmatic figure; and if of right lines only, a rectilineal figure. viii. Points which lie on the same right line are called collinear points. A figure formed of collinear points is called a row of points.

The Angle. ix. 

The inclination 
of two right lines
 extending out 
from one point
 in different 
directions is called a rectilineal angle. 

x. The two lines are called the legs
 and the point 
the vertex 
of the angle
 A right line drawn from 
the vertex and turning 
about it in the plane 
of the angle,
from the position 
of coincidence 
with one leg to 
that of coincidence
 with the other, 
is said to turn through the angle, 
and the angle is the greater as the quantity of turning is the greater.

 Again, since the line may turn from one position to the other in either of two ways, two angles are formed by two lines drawn from a point. Thus if AB, AC be the legs, a line may turn from the position AB to the position AC in the two ways indicated by the arrows. The smaller of the angles thus formed is to be understood as the angle contained by the lines. The larger, called a re-entrant angle, seldom occurs in the “Elements.” 

xi. Designation of Angles.—A particular angle in a figure is denoted by three letters, as BAC, of which the middle one, A, is at the vertex, and the other two along the legs. The angle is then read BAC.

xviii. Three or more right lines passing through the same point are called concurrent lines. xix. A system of more than three concurrent lines is called a pencil of lines. Each line of a pencil is called a ray, and the common point through which the rays pass is called the vertex .

The Triangle. xx. 

A triangle is a figure formed by three right lines joined end to end. The three lines are called its sides. 

xxi. A triangle whose three sides are unequal is said to be scalene, as A; a triangle having two sides equal, to be isosceles, as B; and and having all its sides equal, to be equilateral, as C.

 xxii. A right-angled triangle is one that has one of its angles a right angle, as D. The side which subtends the right angle is called the hypotenuse.

The Polygon. 

xxvi. A rectilineal figure bounded by more than three right lines is usually called a polygon. 

xxvii. A polygon is said to be convex when it has no re-entrant angle. 

xxviii. A polygon of four sides is called a quadrilateral. 

xxix. A quadrilateral whose four sides are equal is called a lozenge. 

xxx. A lozenge which has a right angle is called a square. 

xxxi. A polygon which has five sides is called a pentagon; one which has six sides, a hexagon, and so on.

The Circle

 xxxii. A circle is a plane figure formed by a curved line called the circumference, and is such that all right lines drawn from a certain point within the figure to the circumference are equal to one another. This point is called the centre. 

xxxiii. A radius of a circle is any right line drawn from the centre to the circumference, such as CD.

 xxxiv. A diameter of a circle is a right line drawn through the centre and terminated both ways by the circumference, such as AB.

 From the definition of a circle it follows at once that the path of a movable point in a plane which remains at a constant distance from a fixed point is a circle

also that any point P in the plane is inside
or on the circumference
 of a circle according as its distance from the centre is

 less than,
 greater than, 
or equal to, 
the radius.
