the Δρεαμ


right there at that particular moment you...for all intents and purposes obliterate every quadrillion th of a nano second spent to date on the so called...double slit mind meld where wavy is gravy
and not a part of it is in any way icklish as in stickless... you go on to define that a few minutes down the road with box ended arrows pointing to themselves as the source of their selfness

anyway this is the problem with science as the majority of the adults in the science room were told by the majority of the pre science room occupiers that this nonsense known as probability
is the way into the future not the way to misunderstand the past by assigning other things to the thing that probability distributes which is the distribution of the undistributed distribution which
any good cement mixer or personal calculator is going to tell you is what one does when adding one to one making two and multiplying one by one and a half which is about as much of the number system that you need to understand to stand under the rest of the system which is the manipulated manipulation of one and the multiples of one in groups of more than one which become one as they are grouped by a grouping ness into ions of ion eyes like sorry lies

and so the people pointing at the stars are pretending that the stars are pointing at them by having taken the possible set and at the moment when the possible set is divided in to the possible set which is always equal to the set of setup the probable set of subsets defining some other set is used as the setup for the fleecer to fleece before the chips fall and the dice are rolled counting the cost of moving the mind along the distribution in a sine wave like representation of the wave the slave saw same as some did back in the day when someone needed to row the twenty ton ship from port to port porting wine into pound able copper for bronzing at a later fate...

seems like you are going to spend another hour sadly with the kind of gusto de scribed in The Gulag Archipelago one might have at finding a four thousand year old shrimp frozen in a forest
under some certain circrumbstances that might be sated other ways or other wise through the reading of the language book used to create the language that in the probability set where use
><mis use it is sometimes use full where use><full sometomes go together and some times not

good place to start here:


...."but the scalene an endless number, Out of this infinite multitude then we must choose the fairest, if we are to begin upon our own principles. If then any man can tell of a fairer kind that he has selected for the composition of these bodies, it is no enemy but a friend who vanquishes us: however of all these triangles we declare one to be the fairest, passing over the rest; that namely of which two conjoined form an equilateral triangle. The reason it were too long to tell: but if any man convict us in this and find that it is not so, the palm is ready for him with our right good will. Let then two triangles be chosen whereof the substance of fire and of the other elements has been wrought; the one isosceles, the other always having the square on the greater side three times the square on the lesser....."

goes on like that for a minute or more
