Poem for the magnetized


and when rocks are made ultimately of prime molecules

[not the fake compound some deposit no return made up things]

down the diagonal ξθστ αΣ the compounds made of 1
and the compounded 2
and 3 the same stuff that makes
up the sun
which you quoted somewhere as being 99. something percent of everything
is H the greek letter for eight which just for
crackpots looking to put the pot back together is infinity
knocked for a loop and a half the better way to count than by
miss underestimating the distance traveled before you are
still somewhere you've never been before and the end of that sentence
which is so far away from right


most of the 8000000000 thats billion with a b bodies on this planet
could not possibly magic up the magination to see
given the fact that most of them never went 24000 miles
in one trip much less a life of trips given the trippy definition
of trip as something everything which was smooshed
up from a couple of hydrogen primes a few beats of the drum ago
go at 60 mp θ when obeying the law defined
by the sine of the angle of the tangent telling the calculost
using calculate more for less of an ans luster what
the geometer figured out to be factoring the question into primes
given the sense of prime ness built into the
or not to be sensual system called sexygesimal...oopΣ γοττο γο

then the thing to understand is what went on between
those rocks being gas (πσστ! ΣΘΝ) and
those rocks being what they are now
because as sure as a hot iron is going to leave a
περμανεντ μαγνετιψ mark if left on the linen too hot
the rocks are sitting there doing some thing

other than bedazzling like bling
as the moon made of (((3)))
sends some to you for free
every whee it goes up and down and
well θ wise round ασ τηευ σαυ ιν ΑτηεηΣ...

anyway my friend you are still young
and you are so much older now
that you know less than you
knew before you knew
more than you do and
the most that you
know what runs
the show the
lines that
where the heat seeks relief
from itself
and its wealth
as wealth is defined
to be lading of loads lauding
of thee piling on of piles larger than free
the sea
the ΣΣΣ

sends forth sound
of crunching in threes
while crunching trees
recycled through mustard seeds
or not

oh yeah that was what this was about...the water
is the oil that mixes with water it is a solid a liquid a gas
glass is water sounds like sand looks like a mirror breaks in bands
round as the pebbles ground to sand
glass is water in your hand

;;;;::::...,;,;,;,... think about another place you-ve never ever been...:...:...the Grand Canyon..,,,...:::;;;liquid
sandpaper in slow motion furiously ripping the ground up from the ground by grounding
the ground down into ground down ground sending the rest of the rest of it to the sound sending the silt
into the sea pounding the sound out of the scene

make sense?

now some crackpot might call me a leaky bag of salt water but that would be too cerebral an
homage to salt water taffy to put down on paper this silicon shift is the way to flow bro

if you and it certainly appears to be the case that you have been a paying member of a group of people interested in hearing what other paying members of the same group of paying members has to say about things that the paying members of this particular group of paying members grouped by association of ideation is associated with/of/by something like that...then this should make sense to you who also appears to have memorized quite an array of ideated ideas which as you have professed at the outset you have been professed to and profess of to others in quite an interesting way for a subject subject to the lack of standing under that standing under a falling cat would bring to the sense of sensing which sense able people who sense the sensate and sense the ate after eating said cents converted into whatever whatever is converted into for food for you

the way to clear up crack pots is

first and fore (golf term) worst is
to claim you need to pay to be heard or listened to and
the way to clear up the crack is to pot the cracks which
every one of the paying members of the organized organization known as
we the tax payers paying for the publication of public education whood
or should that be wood or would or would not to be or not to be
published as flat ly wrong and
never denied aside from the explanations which take
a book to explain to the them in need of not being
left in the dark by not knowing that which this
is the dreamed up explanation of back
in the days when it was all wine
and roses for the
language loving learner who
studied physical ideas of others and
put the pedal to the metal and pen to paper
in praying the proof to
be put into the mail
as unkle al was learning to learn how
to thing like the other outcast oddballs thinking
in their bare feet in their
bed in their bed room in the med room wherever thinking
was thunk the thinkers thought thoughts then wrote down the things
needed to be remembered not to be forgotten

nonsense is the inverse of sense and you ask 8 billion people breathing the conglomerate
called atmosphere up there and air down
here what the best example
of sexagesimal arithmetic use in daily life
and after looking blindly at the glass thing near their nose will
not be able to even admit their total and complete ignorance
of the existence of such a system as in the answer is going to be
very close to the remainder of the following equation
8,000,000,000/7,999,999,000 in percentage terms that is of course
the preferred reference point pointed to in the other esimal system
where there is a lot more estimating and a lot less
you know what

The mathematician monitoring mathematicians monitoring mathematicians


something about the thing some call number or numb er?


something about sanity


some of us cracked when we started to look
at what we were told and what we assumed
we were being told and when you see
the people looking for something like
a trillion dollars to shine light through
keyholes and tell us that in the last two decades the
hole seems to be the same and they are still not sure
what is coming out of it at the desk where Isaac Newton
told another good one
a few people who are paying attention are a little pissed off

not cat piss or anything vile like that just
british like pissed which we used to get to forget
why understanding nonsense like calculust
was not the clearest pie in the sky


if not like eye said in a part of the cosmos far from here start honing the edge of your geometric chemistry line of fiber optic memo more ieazatioin memories and pull out the prism part when you get to the bend to bend the white into the light that shows the tone of that droning drone which in the end of the sphere is right over here

bringing up the one cave painting which has clearly been given less braille treatment than a dead cat merits in any good tragedy


https://youtu.be/aY985qzn7oI?t=1555 or 25:55

so how did you get there and five pages is just not enough no...there needs to be a book no a series of books explaining the book to come next the next to come coming soon to an exit the pocket stage rational number here since the left is right to this leaky bag of salt water...:...

the group of paying members of the group of paying members of the group of people who have memorized certain things and remember to
remember these and not those yeah those people the light shiners and the you too the light lookers hear this question with cat like aka tri
angular ears in technicolor:...where are we right then because then we were there and now we are here and if you the astro with the computer
tracking sexygesimal animal drive moving that big old telescope in the sky to where it needs to be next so that the there which was there and now is no it is not there again the there that is always some where other than there calculator you have one of those right and that is what you use to look at the sky because as some leaky bag of salt water pointed to in a blinding light the pale blue dot is ripping it along the innersphere of the at most sphere where the moon of cheezy (((3))) rubs the garbage coming up against the wattage coming down making the whole big thing 240,000 miles a weigh on average 24000 miles around by day and when the cost is counted up down and all around the tomorrow of tomorrow the check is in the mail crowd think with mouths agape Wyatt Watt Σarp was a law abiding man more than an abiding law man
according to the plan of the land owned by the owners of the owned with deed in deed for kingdeem come

Alice in Wonderland is as it was a word puzzle pointing to present tense problems if putting a point on a point πotentially poses a πγoblem more than posing a solution to a publicly posed publicly prime in the sense of prime numbers ποσιτιον ακα α position on positioning prime being identifiers of fantasy game coupons and other arith matters of matter and energy put into the taking out box you happend to be sur and real is the operative prize in this circle really circlining in three clearly identifiable at integer valued di stances using sexy you guessed it animal ma you thought... it was going to be magnatism didnt you but the reality of the real is electrifyingly aetherael magnetic electrislick magneto stuff
makes clouds go puff and rain go rough up a pretty public pond...

πγoblem in the 2023 spin since counting down to get to there is where it all started to go wrong again after a long road paved with roman concrete before the rock made by bags of sand became stone made by man in the big building days of lazy hazy boats like crazy rainy shiny
recipient of every living thing in the space between itself and the largest lake on the planet maybe than number three or gee who is calculating
that in a drought of doubt?

yeah in the days of Homeric tragedy where the ecstasy of the party needs to be cleaned up by someone the work sounds like something someone else should be doing and so the one thing which separates (make a fist here and then pop your thumb out and point it at that
well proportioned glasses bridger right that is what bridges do bridge gaps with bridges anyway point the thumb at you the direction of flow of the heat of your thumb tip now flip them along an arc until lines are formed...: note the right angle between the thumb and...: do this as as slow as slowly possible while being careful not to poke yourself in the which is different from being not careful to poke yourself in the eye unflail the four things you would have thought of as four squared if we were where we were and who knows where that was which we get back to in a few thousand miles here but yeah turns out that what commonly is pointed to by one of those four or more four boned boney things of which there are a pair in front of the plastic thing behind the glass stuff somewhere that 4000 years ago when
johnny went down to the corn store he knew how many prime sets of something he needed to bring for some non prime sets of something else
and the person he was going to get something from had two hands just like him and the number he was after was not less than 10...:

you seem to know where we are and you seem to know where everything else that you seem to be looking at is and so is that as accurate of
a discription in terms of diagonal inscribed circular ideas or is that not the proper tense as we according to the sly science of 3*8000=24000
sort of sciencey science we are never anywhere here now are we since the there then is always somewhere else when the whoo becomes the watt and gas is five bucks a gallon


going through this the second time now and the first thing that comes to mind from the last time through is not to attempt to build it all from ((-))

as you have succinctly pointed out the problem is not paradigms or algorithms to create as much as it is burning some books
which is an idea that will go over like the Hindenberg so maybe bringing back the Scarlet letter might do the trick or maybe a little
help from the googolplex where ever those two masked men are these days

nothing new is needed other than a resurgence of the old and the old ways which ΣοκρατεΣ through the pen of Πλατο put down on paper
as the calculators before them had put down in linear A then B then C and now we use the Alpha Beta set to commune with the feedbag
while surfing the net...:...incept date on this unit here in sexygesimal 19 58 12 28 so since 19 81 when the fun started ...:...:...these two eyes
have been looking at the thing which is not making the situation better by spreading the fertilizer on the flowering field blowing every
bit of non sense into an aerosol capable of permeating the soft tissues of what amounts to nearly 16,000,000,000 eyeballs of hominids
capable of being able to understand the idea behind 1 + 1 = 2 - 1 = 1 the rest of arith magic is the art of combining those symbols into
that line which keeps going beyond the currently mis underestimated space of uni verses where the base remains constant across
the operation and so the way forward is to go back to Euclid and rather than re-write...:...:...+add to the conversation which has been
left to flap in the breeze like those Tibetan prayer flags which look nice and have with certain certainty correlated something with
something else at some point in the journey and the question remains open in terms of what precisely with absolute certainty
in the minds of the approacing 16 billion eyeballs looking that is equal to the ity of the real reason explained in this format
and the sets of 1 + 2 = ξ and the number 3 and the symbols τ ανδ π pronounced pee in the vernacular within which the
symbol the operation defined by the symbol the two nails sticking out of the bottom of the board which put a point
on the simplicity of all numbers and the extraordinarily convoluted and as you have clearly shown the proof of
been absolutely wrong to anyone who could possibly understand the idea and these fantasies have now
persisted for centuries where the Pyramids appear to provide existing evidence that there was a time
when the use of numbers and this nonsense here currently monikered as language understandable
if written in some precise fashion universally and the evidence of 2000 years of this grand exper
iment is that meant means not one thing but any thing and so no thing which is more or less
what the Tao was talking about around the same time this grand pile of evidence started
to be piled up in piles larger than the largest structures ever built a bag of cement at a

and that brings up another idea which appeared to be handled in quite a divergent
fashion by those who developed the original triangular system that the Plimpton
322 is written in the sexy gesimal system that now is used by once again
something approaching 16 billion eyes every day and guess how many
of that 16 billion could tell you what 60 + 60 is in the system they
rely on to get out of bed when it is night somewhere here

You have the ΝΣω lie bray ΓΗΣΣ of Ματηε μαπερΣ now the
exercise is to put the Algo of the Algebra next to the
Geometerz verzion of the vision of a square

The section exposing calculust to be the
pure phantasy play that it is was and
will infinitely bee a black hole

The rest is written in the script co
mplete with pictures and hand waving
performitten by you already and now the
army of studious students who made the
performances possible to perform operating
as an operator might want to do themselves a favor
by lending a helping hand to a friend and letting the poor
people who are pounding their head against the wall built
know that the reason the nonsense looks good to some people
and works well for some things is because you can put lipstick on a
thing and then you need to go to the party and when you get there you can
pretend that the pretending is tending to business or you can be there and live a little
while giving some make up lessens which every one of those 16,000,000,000 little eyes
needs to start shedding sooner rather than later relatively speaking

Get in touch with Sabine Hossenfelder if you don't know who she is she is in the same game
and this appears to be her ultimate goal aka figure out what is misunderstood and fix that if possible
by pointing out what is obviously wrong and she does this weekly with consistency which needs a little
help to pop a few bubbles of analytic continuity which appear to be re running their infinite approximations in
her head from where to here when w is moved around

Wikipedia is also a fantastic place to sort out a lot of nonsense and still requires another
level of digging as the linking is now getting a bit out of control as all words become
more and more meaning less and less making the problem the John Searle spent
a lifetime looking at/on/into/under/over/behind and from a few other angles
more and more difficult to get closer to as half the distance crossed
on each step leads infinitely no where real fast as some one once
pointed out in plane geometric terms and John Searle left it in
the end with the biologists saying this is how it is up to the point
where the people looking physically inside heads are coming up
with the answer and those people are stuck with the estimation
nonsense a vacuous vicious cycle so you
might try to get in touch with
John Searle too

and here is a Sexydecimator the spreadsheet for smelling
out sexy numbers where sexy numbers tend to congregate

complete with a triplex of sexy Plimption 322 graphic
flames with straight faces


there are a few details to work out such as
1. rebranding XY% of currently paid for "science" jobs as "Art positions"
2. life vests or Coracles for the flood of tears which arrive when people realize that computers guess more than know
3. re assigning half of the artists in the world to run science projects with adult supervision moving CERN to Burning Man permanently
4. eliminating NASA and any idea of sending people into space using guessing games to get them there and back sometimes
5. putting together the bridge of former oil barges which will float around the Pacific cleaning it up and making free energy
6. keeping it rolling by leaving the conversation about how 8,000,000,000 people could be hoodwinked for 2000 years at an annual rate
putting that current number to shame when the cost is counted up all leading to this right here

so yeah brain bags to scrape up the pieces of exploded heads belonging to people who got to exactly where they are
by never accepting the fact that the thing they never knew to be nonsense is what they rely on to make a living
and having a way to deal with the clowns and the performers and the charlatans who never understood a word
of what they were saying in any way particularly or in a wavy way having anything remotely to do with reality other
than the fact that the energy equation always lets off heat when one form of one form of energy is converted by
an operation leaving a residual in the system of even dimension or of odd and there is always someone leaving
pennies on the counter when the googolplex is not looking

that's all that comes up at the moment...the spreadsheet only works up to 10^8 as the operators at the googolplex
are using a guessing game to do the metic when some arith needs meds so it only handles numbers that small
which when you start standing under the circle of the sixties it makes you wonder why so many bad art projects
were fobbed off as slyants but then again the world has been having this same existential crisis since a new
electrician going around by the name of Chrisist tried it back in the days after the golden age of the pyramids

the oil was burning filling the sky with babble as the electricians figured out how to pick up a snake without
burning your hands and moving the thing around to do what needed to be done...the thing that can
not be named the light and the people selling oil were not having it so they nailed the dude to one
of those new fangled telephone poles he was trying to hawk for his old carpenter pals and
the rest is the historical record leading right to this point here.

Get in touch if you think there is something this leaky bag of salt water can get done
...third job I had in my third job in the financial services industry in 1981 was to fix
mistakes that had been made the day before and the day before that and the day
before that...been working at that since then which is a minute at some diameter
