The Fantasy of Prime ness
There is a fantasy and that fantasy claims to
stand under the fantasy that beyond two character
characters larger ideas can not be represented
uniquely until one finds certain one dimensional
said numbers are commonly called
due to their indivuality as
dividual less enteties
base 10
one of the supposed smartest
people on the planet today spends all day
long looking in under over and around
never at
the idea
In the sexy cimal system the de defines
more than the eye can behold as it unfolds
powers of ten the counting system for the digitally
challenged and the sexy de small system which is large
enough to contain the largest item in the de small system
by a factor of ..............wait for it
yes folks 60 is the number containing all other number and so
the sum of any number is a sum of a set of sexy sixties
year or so ago my son told me that my dogged pursuit of the underlieing underlying meant ness of things is just an opinion and that was before I came across you...someone who understands calculust and can show how it makes sense for horseshoes and
handgrenades but when it comes to putting your friend in a tin can and sending that friend of ours somewhere we either have been
before or will be getting to sooner or later depending on the diameter you choose for your clock thingy then well why not surf that
from the couch and instead of firing hominids off into space where they (you fill in the blank here about how to defecate in a tin can with no windows because I am not looking that up) have less fun most likely than the Tour de France climbers on a rainy day in May
and last time I looked it is no more than a few miles down to the bottom of the big puddles that are right out the back door and
pretty much the last resort for cleaning up what hopefully is not being fired out the airlock in plastic doggy bags like the ones that
this leaky bag of salt water uses a couple of every day to pick up the residual dog food no longer required by the dog
anyway my answer was it is not opinion there is a serious pile of nonsense masquerading as science and when the time comes
to actually need to know something all you get are predictions of the future probability of x based on the absence of any observable
information concerning y as z is tangentially related to a where the end meets the beginning and the spiral nature of sun flower seeds suddenly absorbs the entirety of the conversation which never existed to begin with just the sun flowers
The Plimption 322 thing is pretty interesting and on the way to figure that out the self checking spread sheet from hell is telling
me that if you make numbers up then you should be able to break numbers down and that is the point of the sexy get me a thrill
system of reducing every set to known prime sets of primer sets of the prime-est set available [1 2 3] due to the fact of facts that
every number built up from there is build able down from there this is the crux of the conversation in the Meno SOCRATES: Is it virtue, Meno, or a virtue? - What do you mean? goes on like that as it does in other books and in Euclid who had a proposition about
priimes which is popularly prodded and basically Euclid didn't have a spreadsheet to check his work but he also didn't use base 10
so it seems to me to be the case that the conversation concerning primes either needs to be looked at again or the current fantasy
about primes needs to be looked at and potentially some people with the ability to do mental Tour de France type thinking can be
put to some more pressing issue such as how does the moon that thing 240,000 miles away regulate the oxygen content in the
atmosphere that it rubs up and down on all day and night long?
so here
make your own copy and show yourself that in base 10 prime numbers might be absorbing the majority of the resources of
some of the best minds now consuming oxygen in this atmosphere using the lets guess system to guess more about these things
when in sexy you guessed it no estimal the non estimating language for standing under the understanding of the word up
you go down from any composite bumber to the root mumbers making up the package and while this is interesting to me
it must be meaningless to others given the fact that the most important prime numbers are the ones below 60 since
1. the list is 15 numbers long the same number of degrees in the 24 sexy system of minute sloppy seconds
2. 59 is the largest one and
3. there is a random number generator in the spreadsheet so instead of watching the weather report you can see it for yourself
as number after 15 digit number (the limit that google sheets seems to be interested in handling) is reduced to a smoking pile of
sixes sevens and nines as pointed out by Mick the Jagger who just wont stop
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