Components of the composition called the solar system


{{[Vacuum]}} is by definition the presence of a force
in the absence of a vacuum there would be no
state to be defined as a vacuum..:...
the forces observed/measured in said vaccuum
measure the force of said vacuum there is no
other thing measure able if it is not other than
the vaccuumm the vacuumm is if the experiment is
executed it is executed in the air and the air is on an arc
which is floating on a river of rivers in an ocean of oceans of
sky which is what the atmosphere in Australia must
be when it is getting its nightly bath as the top of the
sphere spends the day surfing the sun

...:.. move along to
Newt the ton of bricks blocking up the apple corer...:..
who defined a system defined as motion using the
...: absence of motion as the point of progress ION
from which the rest of the or eyes on begins to balloon

objects in a system defined as motion are in motion and tend to stay in motion
in any system which is defined as motion by the motion said system exhibits
motion is defined as the state defining the rest of the system as motion where rest
is the beat holding the ball to the radius along the arc thusly thrust

this is where the whole thing began to go off the tracks which this pale blue dot appears to
still be on..:...
An Arc moving 1000 miles per hour toward tomorrow along a 4000 mile rail radiating from the hot core on
An Arc moving 63000 miles per hour at the end of a 93 million mile long radiat ION defined as
An Arc often referred to as a Year which begins at the point of a ball defined by a 432000 mile long Ray defining
An Arc measured from the center of the Sun as the Sum of us extends to the edge of Neptune the defining line
An Arc moving just as the surface of the oceans do on an average day in a wave liche more than like form
moving the big number along a third radius which is where the theory begins to become [(the) or eye zing]

any experiment meant to be done in the absence of the presence which makes said experiment possible is
affected by the effects of the presence putting it where it is in atomic terms this is no less simple eye fide as
a radius representing a straight line defining an arc exemplified by the letters in arc or ARK and the circle of
circi circling any eye being a point in the sky if you like or any of the 360 pointes separated into 60 pointed
minutes multiplied by 60 pointed seconds leaving a plane in on of the 1,296,000 possible static iterations of
an iterative process which radiates in a minimum if counting using the system that runs the clock 1,296,000
possible planes pointed to in 1,296,000 possible directions in one of the instantaneous instants which are
measurable by no better system than this system the one frequently referred to as time and as you see by
watching the rest of this explanation regularly mixed and matched with the base 10 system in a way that
would cause any base 2 programmer worth their salt to pull their hair out if not commented out of the code

So always begin with two ideas in is the question: how many angles can dance on the head of a pin and:...
how far is it to lunch when your stomach tells you breakfast was at least 240000 miles ago and the coffee cake crumbs
are still scattered around the chair you are in

number of things which...:... for a talk that made a lot of sense...:.. do not make sense

0.1 The Aten's dad had realized or been told or found out how the last great pyramids were crushing stone using peizo electric resonance wind generators for magic boating and
0.2 reconstructing the crushed stone in whatever form the builders wanted the stone recreated bag at a time formed with wooden forms just like they used in the boats meanwhile
0.3 use of the electric lamp to a smokeless way...:... the holes that were so popularly being dug this is the misnamed Baghdad power pot not a battery a current producer
0.4 the people living then did not drink nearly as much wine as you have been led to believe...:..the wine was electrolyte for light/heat/firestarter/etc. salt was the catalyst copper was the filament

1. the Talatat blocks were the first organized printing press operation [not some middle management efficiency idea] the way to use the resonance and the magneto electro force
which is the invisible formless life giving force which is the light and creates everything was printed on the blocks in quantity so that they could be moved easily all over and put into
place so that the people could come and learn how to juice the dirt and make free light out of the wine that had turned to vinegar because there was so much fruit being grown by the
nazarini over there on the other side of the salt water pond...where the Essenes were still at that late year in the evolution of thinking picking pieces of copper up off the ground up ground
Prior to the Aten printing had been done in place and was always the most time consuming part of the construction process....this changed that
2. the first employee takeover of the largest publicly run corporation deserves a bit more discussion...:..the idea that the Aten would walk away and you fail to mention that he was an Alien and
so because his mother? or his wife was an Alien he had people to go to and a place to go and went east to live with the Essenes to grow grapes and write by electric heated lamp light at night
in between trips up to the cedar forest of Lebanon where there were good telephone pole trees growing but that is a story for another day
3. 21:15

if the Aten had not used the word {He} and had instead written the first stanza of the Tao using [the way] would it be less clear that you are attempting to put an anthropomorphism
on top of an anthropomorphize d idea that had just been un anthropomorphize Δ after a few or if you are accurate in your adding at least a handful of thousands of years of recorded remembered
tested and proven experience written down in stone crushed by the ideas of others and put back together up and down the river of life for a lasting impression with consistently improved results

4. Look at the pattern printed on the bottom of what was to be the box or perhaps was the box that the Aten graduated in as a younger student of the aten those are electromagnetic force lines
or just a long word that begins and ends with the sound for hot which looks like the wind squared up and has a distinct similarity to printed circuit board material...:..

5. Take a look at the timeline of big building construction in places beyond where the dead were put under the sun out of the heat in the land of Chemical Tricks...:..when the Aten was released
from his management position it looks like a few of his faithful got on a boat and followed the eye in the sky to the Yucatan due west where a long line of the same ideas are printed all over
the southern half of this half of the approximately half of this pale blue dot which is not liquid and moving at a visibly more vigorous rate than the ground on which most of us sit and for that
lack of matter relative to the atmosphere ending at the moon which represents I don't know but at least a third of what we assume to be the environment we live in which has changed very
little since people stopped building massive stone buildings that were designed to be part of the uni verse that they sing in as long as their battery is rechargeable...

...the epilogue...five hundred years later when JC the grand grand grand grand grand grand grand grand grand son give or take a grand got the bright idea to turn over a few tables as Oil had become the tax producing product that picked up tax revenue like duck tape keeps air out of ducts he apparently did not think the project through or there were so many wine merchants selling
vinegar that he couldn't possibly imagine all of them being put out of business in one fell swoop and guess what...another bright idea turned out the lights for what is adding up to if you count
from the moment some twitter reader offered the newly nailed in electrician some vinegar to recharge his battery 2023 trips around the light that produced them and counting
