Missing the link

Nut is over us all 

Basically this is a list of ideai which were employed as ideology which became employed as the idea of a person running the show rather than a collection of forces forcing things to run as they do...so a little homework and some thinking what an idea might mean to the person who
thought it up and took the time to write it down in stone under super supervision...

Alumimum/lithium? Aluminum has an atomic weight of 26.982...Silicon 28.085 but who is counting
Algar : ...wait for it...to sink in water...:.. aka the flood which before some damn smart cookie thought up a damn the damn home land used by the homies looking to home up near the bathroom used to flood at pretty much exactly the same day of the year according to the stellar clock that works for the last few ((())) of tears remembering the last thing as the past thing making the bling sing when the real thing is some other thing entirely

Galana has an etymology which gives the name a peaceful and calm demeanor so sounds like the damn thing worked or
in the Luana interveining interval which is more like oil floating on moonlit water the crafty pre dam men Coracled together
an idea or three and used

some of the Tar that was oozing out of the ground all around the river to coin the phrase whatever floats your boat...:...

then the real fun begins with the Gil got a mesh which the Denki from Enki think is pretty damn Genki for all the Japanese cartoon lookers at
ers who know a thing or three about words in other lingi such as Electrickiti which is Denki in Nihongo and Genki which is the juice that flows
in the you as the you who is a Nihon Gin drinker and person too...:...

Now the gills in Gil Gotta mesh up with the you who spent the first nine months of your you ness in the salt water bath that your young mother
told you to avoid taking with too much salt and reminded you to take when the eyes you kept closed for nine months straight get a bit dry...:..

the aether net of netless ness is a story of glory pitting straight lines such as those which are formed outside of the imagination of light
beaming from here to there and inside the bend of magnets pushing any inert seeming thing as much as pulling until putsch comes to shove
and wala the denki lights up and suddenly the bag that some future mother found useful after dad showed her mother how to use it to
turn on the light at night to light a fire to let a little heat into the haven known as the rock of your home on a hill somewhere sunny...:...

the Bagdad battery became the money until one sad day when the rain stayed away for longer than long the tar was the only thing
around with the sound of heat in the molecular beat that put a heated seat in every shiny new chariot waiting to be rolled off an assembly
line in some carpenters ware house...:..in some Bet of a helm which was at the time a former telephone pole producing province
being near to the Cedars of Lebanon and when the water ran off to wet some other young mans whistle the oil sellers sold a solid
stone story into salvation sealing the sense that something was rotten in Denmark and the sulfur suffused society

fast forward four or more thousand years of dry eyed tear and here we are looking for the answer to questoins that our
ancestors ancestors put down on stone for us to read and stand under the weight of not to weep while reading turning
the entire block of knowledge in to a puddle of mud which in the sun of tomoeeow is no more than a mud pie
