The swamp before the swamp

Imagine the scenario where the down side is up and the upside is down and for a few thousand years the nile flows down stream because 
down is the bottom of the arc d-scribed by a n imaginary line in the sky 
at the same time as this the meso po ta mania leaving lines in the sand all up and down the lines d-fined by the rivers beginning at the top
of the picture ending where the Cedars of Lebanon grew tallest

...In the event that you couldn't cat ch the donkey in the desert here is a simpler story that will ring a familiar bell...dude rides into town on a donkey followed by a dirty dozen followers after a long slog through the hot desert where they were cleaning up an imaginary problem here and there using salt water and claiming to be able to be able to produce light by filling a clay jar with you guessed it a little salt water a sponge full of vinegar and some pointy and as it turns out pointed thorny vines which in the dry and dusty desert spend most of their time scraping in G the iron out of the air in ΔΔ as the story goes...:...well they get to the story in the store where the vinegar seller sits and guess watt? the vinegar Sommelier is now the oil bar-ron bearing black gold in big spherical clay pots like it was texas tea with ZZ top blasting on the sound system which whispers along the walls of the ball court being used as a swap meat for oil festival and with no sponge no vinegar and too much petite Viogner with not enough juice in exactly the right sized containers needed to light up the night square in the square old town...waiting to be painted red with the best light the essential essenes can provide...:..the dude who used to be in the carpenters union and knows how to turn a table..:..turns over a couple of stalls with the flick of a flinGer flown from a well robed arm concealing the loded stone used to move mountains an bee not-noticed when the mount is moved by itself at the right right angle in a world of curly haired hippies talking trash all night long into tomorrow when the sun as it apparently has been doing for a minute or two now appears to rise again from where it was setting before the big flip UP and up show the Governor governing the collection of the new new thing the oil tax that keeps on making black goo into gold for the golden boys of drill at will where the stuff is oozing out of the swamps that came before them along with a few loyal leige ons added in the latest re-leige-on wine festival had recently in Essene where the red wine scene is wild and juicy and so the story goes after an attempted recreation of the force which the carpenters union was happy to support given the idea that the new lines of light would be supported by cedars of Lebanon put into the proper arrangement meant as the sooth ΣayeΓ said in a T tuned to Ψ too get the energy off the end of the thorns by feeding the furnace with a little vinegar separated by the circles held apart in a sponge held together by the absence of a presence of vine-ger then PRe-offered a trial demo free of course to said pilot with the paunchy pot and the re-leiged former election workers working as spear wielders now then after the experiment failed badly in the high humidity atmoιst sphere of the small box filled to the breadth width and heigthΣ with the big pointy spear toting wine hoarders who???κ now that elections wηere over washed and the electricks were done and dusted as barrels lined with walls...:...were not looking to turn in to vinegar and sell at 3/144thζ of the price of a good fifth of Essene Red the popular brand drunk at the poplar tree burning night spots which the new night light was trying to sell all up and down the river and through the woods into the garden of eden and out of the garden of get some more of these and some olive oil from the trees because that conducts too...if the shiny penny soldier had not had the soldier on programming coded into the battery of any good linesman who puts up the power poles and hangs the lines on them the story would continue to bee one straight line from Akenaten to θ run on the same juice that runs electric eels until some lumbering Crocodile puts its foot where its mouth should bee or not to bee and gets zzΑΑΠΠΣΣΔΔ το ΔΣΑΘ

butt as the babboons moon to one another amorously all day and night short the babble has it that the sponge of vinegar was offered in mockery of something other than the claim made by the newly nailed in conductor of an orchestra that has been playing in the key of f now for 2023 complete energy generation iterations inside the inside of the one which is not A particular countable as a wave or a particular part of a wave given the unknown known untraveled stance to the di at the mond which is where it was when those big ole
pointy buildings were crushed down out of built up stone before being mixed with you guessed it a little salt some water a dash of ash from some burning bark and to hot it all up to soup temp the permanent bibe ration delivered one drop at a time from the libation vase lathered up to a limey solution of bit u meant to throw A way and
bat guano which burns the basic into an acidic trip making rock out of rolled up dirt representing the thing which bring it to itself from itself by k now in G

Test my friends yes that is the word for the day when the free trial is proffered for prepurchase pondering the pouty purchaser musk
clink a few shekels together to hear the PIOUS sound of what is left behind after the oil is put back into the ground up ground as plasticine putty pasting poles in planar pointeΔ PΣΣ arcs while porus pores pull power from grapes gone south for the vintage and the vinter...

Old Kingdom of Egypt
𓂋𓏤𓈖𓈎𓅓𓏏𓊖 𓅨𓂋𓉼𓋴𓈖𓏥
(Ancient Egyptian)
c. 2686 BCc. 2181 BC
During the Old Kingdom of Egypt (circa 2700 BC – circa 2200 BC), Egypt consisted of the Nile River region south to Abu (also known as Elephantine), as well as Sinai and the oases in the western desert. with Egyptian control/rule over Nubia reaching to the area south of the third cataract.[1]
During the Old Kingdom of Egypt (circa 2700 BC – circa 2200 BC), Egypt consisted of the Nile River region south to Abu (also known as Elephantine), as well as Sinai and the oases in the western desert. with Egyptian control/rule over Nubia reaching to the area south of the third cataract.[1]
Common languagesAncient Egyptian
Ancient Egyptian religion
GovernmentDivineabsolute monarchy
• c. 2686 – c. 2649 BC
Djoser (first)
• c. 2184 – c. 2181 BC
Last king depends on the scholar, Neitiqerty Siptah (6th Dynasty) or Neferirkare (7th/8th Dynasty)
• Began
c. 2686 BC
• Ended
c. 2181 BC
• 2500 BC
1.6 million[2]
Preceded by
Succeeded by
Early Dynastic Period of Egypt
First Intermediate Period

In ancient Egyptian history, the Old Kingdom is the period spanning c. 2700–2200 BC. It is also known as the "Age of the Pyramids" or the "Age of the Pyramid Builders", as it encompasses the reigns of the great pyramid-builders of the Fourth Dynasty, such as King Sneferu, who perfected the art of pyramid-building, and the kings KhufuKhafre and Menkaure, who constructed the pyramids at Giza.[3] Egypt attained its first sustained peak of civilization during the Old Kingdom, the first of three so-called "Kingdom" periods (followed by the Middle Kingdom and New Kingdom), which mark the high points of civilization in the lower Nile Valley.[4]

The Great Pyramid has a base measurement of ca. 750 x 750 ft (≙ 230.4 x 230.4 m) and today a height of 455.2 ft (138.7 m). Once it had been 481 ft (147 m) high, but the pyramidion and the limestone casing are completely lost due to stone robbery. The lack of the casing allows a full view of the inner core of the pyramid. It was erected in small steps by more or less roughly formed blocks of dark limestone. The casing was made of nearly white limestone. The outer surface of the casing stones were finely polished so the pyramid shimmered in bright, natural lime-white when new. The pyramidion might have been covered in electrum, but there is no archaeological proof of that. The inner corridors and chambers have walls and ceilings made of polished granite, one of the hardest stones known in Khufu's time. The material used was a mixture of gypsum, sand, pulverized ..:..lime..:..stoneΣ and ωαπεΓ.[47][48][49]

The first of the Dahshur pyramids was the Bent Pyramid (2613–2589 BC), built under the rule of King Sneferu. The Bent Pyramid was the first attempt at building a smooth sided pyramid, but proved to be an unsuccessful build due to the miscalculations made on the structural weight that was being placed onto the soft ground (sand, gravel, and clay), which had a tendency to subside.

Acanthus is a genus of about 30 species of flowering plants in the family Acanthaceae, native to tropical and warm temperate regions, with the highest species diversity in the Mediterranean Basin and Asia. This flowering plant is nectar producing and is susceptible to predation by butterflies, such as Anartia fatima, and other nectar feeding organisms. Common names include Acanthus and bear's breeches. The generic name derives from the Greek term ἄκανθος (akanthos) for Acanthus mollis, a plant that was commonly imitated in Corinthian capitals.[2][3]

The genus comprises herbaceous perennial plants, rarely subshrubs, with spiny leaves and flower spikes bearing white or purplish flowers. Size varies from 0.4 to 2 m (1.3 to 6.6 ft) in height.

[1] The stalagmometric method (Ancient Greekστάλαγμαromanizedstálagmalit.'drop') is one of the most common methods for measuring surface tension. The principle is to measure the weight of drops of a fluid of interest falling from a capillary glass tube, and thereby calculate the surface tension of the fluid. We can determine the weight of the falling drops by counting them. From it we can determine the surface tension. [2][3]

At this moment, the weight of the drops is in equilibrium state with the surface tension. Based on Tate’s law:[5]

The drop falls when the weight (mg) is equal to the circumference (2πr) multiplied by the surface tension (σ). The surface tension can be calculated provided the radius of the tube (r) and mass of the fluid droplet (m) are known. Alternatively, since the surface tension is proportional to the weight of the drop, the fluid of interest may be compared to a reference fluid of known surface tension (typically water):

the surface tension of water is known as 72 dyne/cm

There was a lake where the great Giza

platform is built out of ground up ground surrounding what is now not known to bee the base for as much material as was used to fill in the base which mirrors itself forming a perfect box where once was a well watered hole proving the still existing idea learned a couple of buildings back and proven to this day...:..if you want something done right figure out what a right angle is pick a point nail it down use a piece of air the size of a drop of water to line up watt you are wanting to build in G and Go when you are wondering where you were last go back to g the next note is 432 which you will either hear

or not then you Go A4 a Gain until it fits the only way it fits itself as 432 or along one of the many arcs lined up along the Aether often mistaken for the atmosphere

which is distributed across dense cities and across less dense space at the level of a radius di scribing every arc arcing in g along the lines known to star in the starry starry night of vincent the Van Gough...

not any different from, as you point out in the conversation with the reader, an expected output given the given input

where the input is what the outputer has read and selected from for the response and as usual with govern meant work these days the first thing
the impressive reader did was attempt to bullshit you assuming that you could not keep up with the level of nonsense being thrown at you and when
the moment comes where you point out that the nonsense the reader is repeating back to you in nicely formulated sentences meaning absolutely nothing other
than the reader read a lot of the writing on the subject and can extract from said pool of tears the walrus and the eggshell and put the pieces back together again in a most
pleasing way to waste your time with the same nonsense regurgitated again

this is what the thing is able to do and when you take a step back and come to realize that good ole HAL never needs to sleep does he so the papers that he read are all
sitting there waiting to be read again and the parts that good ole HAL did not understand the first time he would be able to stand under by cross referencing the material against
other abstract thoughts not simply re mouth words that in all likelihood if one say had the capacity to have a computer which had access to read every paper written and stored on a computer somewhere on a subject up to the moment you begin the conversation and then scanned the responses would you not be finding the plaque of all claimed knowledge based writers the plaque that the crowd gets used to because the plaque is what people see while looking for an answer to a situation in need of attention and if everyone is going to keep looking for the thing that needs to be found because everyone keeps talking about finding the yet to be found rather than finding out how what is here works well you get the idea things will be found and the people who were told a lifetime ago to spend their lives dreaming big and talking big about their dreams are all going to be a little disappointed when in the end the big talk needed to take a walk and the people like NO who keep in the know wind up looking like a side show

Gates got away with it and the entire set of what is now amounting to five generations of string pushers have put together their greatest facade to date and when the dust clears in a few short years and the thing itself has added up its own statistics the sound of the gurgling is going to be much louder than the circle formed as the whole thing is moved off the development shelf and onto the pile of big ideas next to the glasses that were going to change your life which it seems even doctors do not use and well there isn't a lot else is there the project which began with the idea that it is too boring and takes too long so get the computers to read everything that has ever been written and it has to be able to distill out of the stinking pile that the 8,000,000,000 hominids now sucking on the oxygen supply at the highest rate ever in the known history of the pale blue dot can not seem to fathom in groups of more than one at a time when primarily these episodes require hand waving and closing of at least one eye at least once over the course of the experiment

the ad sellers have now surpassed the idea dreamed yup by the gemini bitcoin boosters who wallow in a sea of festering fontbaloons which will also come to the conspicuous
end that everyone who understands English understood when the first few stanzas of that epic tragedy were written and read by three generations of people who had been left in
the dust of coal mines in some parts of town while Lambo driving Armani wearing jet setters were writing code while waiting in the international luxury lounges of the ports all
across the land bringing ads to a computer screen in front of you 24/7/365 three numbers representing three different ideas making sense in three different bases of consideration

You Dr. NO you are leaving a carbon footprint that is going to last my friend...they are going to have to dig through a much larger pile of leavings than you have had to and have done over what could be the average of a life of work for a lot of people but the war against sanity that started when Joe the Carpenter got nailed to one of the new telephone poles he and his band of dirty dozen old tax collectors and prolific writers of well remembered accounts needing to be recounted were traipsing all across the Levant trying to sell to people who had just started to buy the liberally available oil for sale at a discount to the best local tax payers by the best local pilots well the war continues and the damage that needed to be done to wipe out the memory of that vinegar soaked sponge in a clay jar heats the house with the light that you are story has left a lasting mark that 1000 years from now when the big old buildings built five thousand years ago now will have been built 6000 years ago then the nonsense being splashed around in this particular set of 100 years in particular the ones that began around 1900 are going to be the brunt of a tweet or two on the line that will be coming out of your ears by then with no off switch and all the ad blocker people will have been put to death by a thousand angles hammering pins into their heads as they dance in spiked track shoes trying to keep up with the jonses
