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start here

the earth IZ As most people seem to now be aware due to apple watches and other things which are expensive and have very short useful lives and begin with Letter A
takes about 24 hours to spin something as small as one of the 8,000,000,000 heads rolling around on the blue dot these days
As or in if you like either Aether idea in one complete way more than the other or another other idea of the same idea being a circle divided in two divisions making three lines braking up one space into eight fourths counting the outsides making the
sides inside the limits the mean meAn Δering lines of linear notability when the not E is to βe flat and the
spaces spaced among the lines are lined down the page bending with the height of flight into the eys
of Horus which DE Line E ATE S the waves into linear progressions of threes at the power of two until
the cows come home one of which is bent in some in stances and others FgAbCdΣ the FACE making A
circle around itself and as it turns out the distance covered by a length called a radius is about three times twice the radius leading to a n
oddly odd 3:2 ratio but that is not the matter is it the wave that matters and so while you have a blue ball spinning at about 1000 miles per
hour you certainly want to point the cannon to the west as that is where the action is ... but you have to question what the newty was newton
on as the 4500 mile per hour speed that the theoretical ball of iron is supposed to fly is about four and a half times as fast as the apple that
newty was noodling on which makes about zero sense and explains the rest of the nonsense at a finer point by pointing out the one thing which aside from the idea that in a system moving 1000 miles per hour this way and at a 186,000,000 mile diameter bumped up by 3 to the distance traveled in a year by the blue ball of spinning nonsense it takes about 365 days of 24 hours each to traverse the 186*3=558 million
miles at about 63,000 miles per hour in the next yearly direction and the third thing which you never see any nice complicated abbreviations for is the speed at which the solar system within which the blue ball system within which the apple failing to follow some other idea is moving at not a fixed speed of motion less ness in spite of newtyz zzz ness as he wakes from the dream you can not actually calculate the speed
that the larger idea is moving at given the distances to be traveled over the span of space over which this imaginary trip will occur but
according to the shiny pennies pulling down LHC sized paychecks to tell you what is what the guess is somewhere on the order of 240,000
miles per hour just to keep the numbers in the ball park...

so you have an apple moving at 240,000 + 63,000 + 1,000 miles per hours in three directions at one moment and everything surrounding the apple is moving at least as fast in at least the three previously divided attention spans resulting in not some magical force that just happens to wake up a sleeping crackpot looking for worms to fill tequila bottles with butt head in the direction of the moon and find that every thing
in the vicinity of nothing in the vacuous space filled with clear gasses gassing up the place until you have solid balls of oxygen floating around
the blue ball of oxygen deprived calculator carriers


a better way of thinking of time given the nature of time as the relationship between a radius and a curve scraped out by an infinitely
thin collection of lines defining the imaginary line defining two points in any space anywhere is to thing about musak and how in four quarter
time one can play a back beat at a triple step that will get your granny out of the rocking chair faster than a fig newton disappears from a freshly flayed package of the most useful idea of a newt on toast ever dreamed up by anyone...

the diameter of the yellow/gold colored thing you are not supposed to look at is 432,000 miles which in cycles per second is music at
a particular note and a frequency defined by the speed of the light that generally speaking tends to fly off the surface of the sun at some
radius or rate which when one gets ones head out of the cookie jar is one of the four factors in how a fig newton gets into a package of fig newtons to begin with which is the critical point defined by the critical moment at which it will not depend on the distance from the center see

however it has several serious problems because ... well it has nothing to any other imaginary dream such as black holes those are the seeds from the figs which get stuck in the spaces between the teeth and cause the black holes in the teeth that people at that time used to make out of wood because that was the best idea available at the time

and it looks like your nice collection of imaginary pictures is ended now with absolutely no information useful to anyone of the 8,000,000,000 heads rolling around on the floor right now...thanks for nothing at least we didn't have to wait as long as the other 8,000,000,000 people who all think that the people pulling down large LHC sized paychecks are putting their money to some sort of useful use based on the solidly
accepted and thoroughly misunderstood statement meant to say that nothing is not moving faster than any one of the 8,000,000,000 heads moving that fast could possibly imagine moving in reality and no one has a clue even how to possibly imagine that obviously given the pretty idiotic suggestion that a cannon ball could have been fired out of a cannon a few hundred years ago at 4500 miles per hour using anything
other than a wildly overactive imagination in need of another outlet for the excess energy all that hard pressed apple cider was having on who
ever it was that was sitting around thinking about what to do with all the apples laying around on the ground down ground and where the entire line of thought is actually going as a secondary consideration which might matter and might be a wave which is where the whole thing is headed as it always was always is and always will be for eva and eva after amen
