
φrom the 1888 translation of ΘΣ ΠΛATΩNOΣ ΤΙΜΑΙΟΣ with a few antiquated pot holes filled in and security fencing put to a beat around ideas badly mutilated after being crushed under leather souls against granite halleΔ corridoors :....named time.
For whereas days and nights and months and years were not before the universe was created, he then devised the generation of them along with the fashioning of the universe. Now all these are portions of time, and was and shall be are forms of time that have come to be, although we wrongly ascribe them unawares to the eternal essence. For we say

that [it]
was and is and shall be, but in verity

((())) }Ιs{ ((()))

alone belongs to [it]:

and {{{was and shall}}}... be

)))((([[[}}}{{{it is}}}{{{]]])))(((

}}}meet{{{ should be applied only to }}})))(((Becoming)))((({{{
which moves in time; for these are motions.

But that which ((((is))){{{{ ever }}}}((((((((change)))(((less)))))) without motion must not become elder or younger in time, neither must [it] have become so in the past nor be so in the future ; nor has [it] to do with any attributes that Becoming attaches to the moving objects of sense: these have }}}come into being{{{ as forms of time, }}}which ((())) }Ιs{ ((())) ΘΣ
image of eternity and revolves according to number. Moreover we say that the become ((())) }Ιs{ ((())) the become, and the becoming ((())) }Ιs{ ((())) the be - {{{coming, and that which }}}{{{))shall become((}{{{ ((())) }Ιs{ ((())) that which shall become, and not-being: ((())) }Ιs{ ((())) not-being. In all this we speak incorrectly. But concerning these things the present were perchance not the right season to inquire particularly.

So let us the customers paying attention out here hear what there is to be said now that oh wait here is a brief history of time


waves form nets of wavy gravy aka ΑΕΘΣΟΠ ακα ΑΕΣΟΠΣ φαβλεδ φαβλεΣ

~5000 ΥΒΝ after generations of generations living along the living river known as the Bleu Nile the people who watched
and recorded using sticks string and the stuff the pyramids are built out of knew enough about the forces forcing
this and that together which were visibly in the visible and invisible at the same time...they really loved the grilled
electric eel with a little miso sauce and cooked on a nice hibachi but that is another story for another day
~2000 hears since then they builders built successive buildings using the stone ground down to sand and the blue glue
oozing out of the trees and for that matter the ground up ground which then was as not so no higher than
the lower ground where stuff grew more than 5000 YB then and was then as it is now oil and healthy clean dirt
~1000 dozen moon cycles since the building began in real deal tearms with decorations leaning to the instructive the builders
brought in the big one anΔ up went the three with hanΔs of glee to scratch the sky where only one eye can see the line
written in the shape of one straight tree leaving on the ground down ground a shadow of its former self the not ion the
nope not the lion the idea of time as continuous motion di-scribed as a line in the sand running across the land day
after day after day while the people who dug the holes to bury the younger generation of builders now too old to build
used clay pots filled with a little old Essene red now turned to red wine vinegar a pinch of salt and a crown of the thorn
vine which crows all over the deserted desert scraping o2 out of the airy dry air
~~3223 YBN Akhenaten the one who after looking through the family scrapbooks and listening to his dad tell the stories told
for the pior 2000 sets of complete dozens of moon cycles with an occasional bakers thrown in for good measure
decided to shutter the accessory businessess as his dad had suggested at the suggestion of his mom and start
selling the one thing which they had come to the well documented conclusions written in stone by their ancestors
ov the previous three and more thousand years as they are now called
~3210 YBN after a decade or so of business reorganization which included remodeling some of the old family air looms into
new eletromagneto generating systems the old guard who had developed in their family businesses for the last thou
at least lines of sale-able salted goods which the public was an avid consumer of after taxes of course were out of

busy ness and the new New line did not have a line for their line of BS as it might have been for the sellers of
burnable salted sticks of well oiled magic spells designed to enhance the chance ΣssοΔ in the essences sold more
than the new OLD clay pot idea which required little more than a good garden planting to grow the thorn bush but
there we go again gettin a head on time
~3200 YBN The useful for the power of the sun is relocated with Unkle Moses to Essene where they were getting all the
good old Essene red from to make all the lamp fuel aka alcohol which burns smokeless and is good for lighting
up big old holes in the ground up ground so that the painters can see in the light where it will be dark soon
The Old guard offered the young Aten a way out and like any good Δaoist would Akhen took the aten at its word
and like a leaf from a tree left the scene to be useful to the sun elsewhere...like where Unkle Moses was from
~1200 Complete dozen moon cycles pass as Akhen returns to the Aten after leaving behind a nice grove of olive trees to
contemplate in and a few acres of good Essene red vines which ran the light show for the Essential humans living
on the land at the time telling the stories eating the grapes building tables making pots glow
~2523 YBN ΠΛΑΤΟΩΣ ωριτεσ ΤΙΜΑΕΘΣ a timely recount of the knowleΔge gaineΔ from the Δ you know what experts
as the people who liveΔ in that neck of the woods stuck their necks out the winΔow and lookeΔ arounΔ while
visiting and living with the people across the ponΔ sometimes for Pythagorean ages before returning home to
share the wealth as it were...
~2000 YBN Joe the Carpenter a young lad who had been growing up in the Essential land of essences starts running with
a crowd of salt shakers and rabble dowsers who are using the loaded stones to get loads of laughs and a few tears
after rubbing the stuff on the noggins of a few contemporary nuts resolving their nutty dilemmae...one fine day
JC and his dozen doxers roll into town looking for some vinegar anticipating a moon less night in the lengthy
versions of the day and when all they could find in the local strip mall Θen known as temple town was oil tar and
other bituminous substances none of which were going to work for the free night light Θey were peddling and so
in a fit of that good old black magic called love Θe one who knew a trick or two got Θe attention of
a few of Θe security guards near Θe door who were working over a shop lifter ....
~ Θree days later after the guards didn't like his lip so much JC decided the way to get out of jail free was to give these
so called Philistines who were just oil tax collectors a demo of the system he and his band of rabble rousers
were babbling on and on about the light poles that they already had the lumber sourced for up in Lebanon where
light poles grew like cedar trees on a sunny day do well long story short the demo failed miserably due to the
high concentrations of fresh Essential Essene red being consumed in consumptive quantities by the good old
shop life tax collectors in the shop lifter cross examination room down θere so as Θe story goes JC was nailed
attempting to sell to these people who now are burning oil like it was water and not digging those big old holes
to bury people in any more so dont need the magic of smokeless light and free heat which lasts all night with the
properly sized clay pot that will burn just the right amount of thorny crown to get one through the night

The sign nailed above the crown of thorns reads NO SALE in Roman and Lights Οθt in the language you speak

If the tax collector had not offered Θe former telephone linesman some of his own sauce aka a vinegar soaked
sponge at the end of a good pointy spear carried by all good tax collectors Θe story would be in complete

~ Θe oil war begins
~ 192 YBN James Clerk Maxwell digs a well Θat has not been plumbed to Θe depth of Θe radius of Θe earΘ and so
the sound of a wave passes like a ship in the nigΘ as the sound of water moving when the sound moving
Θe water is Θe wave of concern and time passes as γasses are kissed and θis and θat is turned in to
Θe largest pile of rubble ever exposed by the light sent images from the Ηubble which out of the bubble
we are in expose s Θe sin of the six Θe witch of Θe which Θe whorl of Θe when Θen it is ~~~
~3 or θΓΣΣ ΥΕΑΓΣ βΣΦΟΓΣ ΝΟΣ toilet paper test tests the sanity of 8,000,000,000 hominids in sinuous simultaneous
singularity and the audience fails miserably as all miserable experiences end with no end in sight

~~now we wait for the SaβinΣator to bin the bean talk and plant a bean stalk where the sane can walk

ἀκινητοτάτη γὰρ τῶν τεττάρων γενῶν γῆ καὶ τῶν σωμάτων πλαστικωτάτημάλιστα δὲ ἀνάγκη γεγονέναι τοιοῦτον τὸ τὰς βάσεις ἀσφαλεστάτας ἔχον· βάσις δὲ  τε τῶν κατʼ ἀρχὰς τριγώνων ὑποτεθέντων ἀσφαλεστέρα κατὰ φύσιν  τῶν ἴσων πλευρῶν τῆς τῶν ἀνίσωντό τε ἐξ ἑκατέρου συντεθὲν ἐπίπεδον ἰσόπλευρον ἰσοπλεύρου τετράγωνον τριγώνου κατά τε μέρη καὶ καθʼ ὅλον στασιμωτέρως ἐξ ἀνάγκης βέβηκενδιὸ 56aγῇ μὲν τοῦτο ἀπονέμοντες τὸν εἰκότα λόγον διασῴζομενὕδατι δʼ αὖ τῶν λοιπῶν τὸ δυσκινητότατον εἶδοςτὸ δʼ εὐκινητότατον πυρίτὸ δὲ μέσον ἀέρι· καὶ τὸ μὲν σμικρότατον σῶμα πυρίτὸ δʼ αὖ μέγιστον ὕδατιτὸ δὲ μέσον ἀέρι· καὶ τὸ μὲν ὀξύτατον αὖ πυρίτὸ δὲ δεύτερον ἀέριτὸ δὲ τρίτον ὕδατιταῦτʼ οὖν δὴ πάντατὸ μὲν ἔχον ὀλιγίστας βάσεις εὐκινητότατον ἀνάγκη πεφυκέναιτμητικώτατόν τε 56bκαὶ ὀξύτατον ὂν πάντῃ πάντωνἔτι τε ἐλαφρότατονἐξ ὀλιγίστων συνεστὸς τῶν αὐτῶν μερῶν· τὸ δὲ δεύτερον δευτέρως τὰ αὐτὰ ταῦτʼ ἔχειντρίτως δὲ τὸ τρίτονἔστω δὴ κατὰ τὸν ὀρθὸν λόγον καὶ κατὰ τὸν εἰκότα τὸ μὲν τῆς πυραμίδος στερεὸν γεγονὸς εἶδος πυρὸς στοιχεῖον καὶ σπέρμα· τὸ δὲ δεύτερον κατὰ γένεσιν εἴπωμεν ἀέροςτὸ δὲ τρίτον ὕδατοςπάντα οὖν δὴ ταῦτα δεῖ διανοεῖσθαι σμικρὰ οὕτωςὡς καθʼ
