Birds of feather count together

Here is an idea that must have been crushed by the weight of some doubt in some quarter...

a point is that which has no part

a sphere is a part that has either

Α α fixture parted by points or
β points parted by a fixture

the center viewed from the extreme is the
opposite/inverse/same upside down
of the extreme viewed from the center

the space defined by the radiant radius is a multiple of the factors from which all numerical
representation are create able as representations of 3^x X 2^y X 1^Z without exception

and the urwrapping of any numerical representation results in the equi valent possible
map onto the music scale where the octave repeats in an infinitely precise and a finitely
preciΣΕΓ system of wrap/unrap and as explained in book after page after numbered section
in the Platonic dialogues the radius represents the same..:... an anagram for seam which draws
out as it is drawn ΘΣ diverse ΘΣ oΘΣr ΘΣ parts which when un-parted represent ΘΣ whole

now the flying cadre of the spheroid on which the flying on occasion sit the view is always
from the concave side of the lens which any good drone pilot is going to be aware of from
a spot where the atmosphere flying along with you standing 4000 miles from the center of
the crustier part of the at most sphere centerΔ at the point between the poles along
the line defined by double the radius in the 60 second multiplied by 60 minute multiplied
by 360 ΔΣΓΓΣΣ division that slices the pale blue dot by 1296000 x 1296000 directions just to
get war med up for battle precision bombing and other big ideas such as this...

long story short the evidence of the blind study appears {emphasis on the ears} to sound out
the theory that the birds and other of the concave viewers of the pale blue dot such as butter
you know whats and those too have a spherical navigation system which as you have pointed
in the pointy discussions is what the formerly labeled vacuum is not only in the you know where
that the battery usually occupies but also everywhere that there is the appearance of no thing
there is the dis appear ance (ear again) of the thing only not visible and only not detectable at the level of
eyes ears and to a lesser degree skin thin or not so much

and so the bird can see the imaginary clockwork controlled and controlling grid which the you
and the you hiding behind you know is a base 6 system juiced up to 60 to save lives where
every line has a perpendicular bisector and a set of parallel points appearing as converging lines
polarizing the light and the night for every home bound bird and said bird having lived a life
experiencing the spinning of the pale blue dot along with other nauseating spiral night terrors
said bird if named nate has what one might refer to as an in nate now ledge or call it knowledge that the
pale blue dot spins 1520640000 inches..:..which if a common homer is 12 long is 126720000
homers per hour or well you can start multiplying that by other known units which a bird sitting
on a wire with no apple watch to keep itself occupied might have had the occasion to count out
loud in groups of 3 2 or 1 throat movements which other members of the wire sitting type might
have the capacity to hear and coordinate with a feeling which those who tend to sit on wires for
windy reasons might have the capacity to sense in the sense of sensing some thing which is not
in the visible realm of thing ism but as all true thing ists will tell you can be really annoying as a headache
or a my grain of salt in the eye type of ache which permeates every water bearing cell in ones water bare
mind masquerading as a body...but we digress

when a bird gets to live for a second and learns the minutes surrounding the hour the day
might end making sense when the night starts in the one direction that the day is ending in
and the day ends in ΘΣ ΘΝΣ direction that the night begins in with a resulting set of coordinates
coordinated with the map that mommy sent along on a wing and in a prayr hatched by the
waiting necessary to see motion move in motionless one must with the stars
of the night sky which when one thinks with bird like orbs stuck to the side of ones head just
might be at the level of bird-slight be vidiable (the door just blue open to let in some light)
enough to count the cost even through compromised eyes given the fixity of the fixture
moving as all statues made by Daedalus do

and so by counting which there must be evidence of evidence of in the evident airy pile that
must exist everywhere and no where at once the bird always knows where it is by doing arithmetic
using base 60 and is never more than 6 units from the coordinates needed to be arrived at
and the last 6 need to be seen to be believed

the starling murmuration is a spreadsheet moving faster than AI could ever imagine itself traveling
in what was not a vacuum in any experiment ever pre tended to the publications for publication

what you will not be able to control for is the ever consistent coin like tendencies of the flat earthers
with the stein bent vacuity to remain oblivious to the curved effect that slicing a plane in every possible
direction presents from the perspective of lengΘ of breadΘ of wiΔΘ ΣΤΨ...

short version...:..the earth has a radius of 4000 miles this results in a sphere with a 24000 mile long
curve traversing a 24 hour distance over a 24000 mile time span with a consistency that seems to be
consistent with the thousands of compounded events that records indicate exist the same sphere
is moving this way in another orbit which results in a 67000 mile per hour movement over 365 days
give or take what you believe needs to be adjusted after a few trips and you guess what the tres pass is...:

it makes perfect sense to a hominid of which there are far fewer than birds the above might be
what the church goers like to call a mystery but some bird mother who only goes to church to see
the statuary in black and white this is called mastery of the place you live...for the average hominid
this used to involve remembering a seven digit number which now is stored on the apple watch
