The most potent poison

The most potent poison

Who would have thought that probably the greatest influence in our physical lives came about by a simple change in a tuning pitch that has affected and altered the lives of millions upon millions of people and their health and happiness. Without even realizing it, this silent enemy has estranged them from family and loved ones, destroyed brain cells and stem cells, and DNA.  And we sit silently by and get more affected and infected by the second.

People are continually up in arms about the toxicity of the air, the additives in their food, the interference from Monsanto Corp and the Government, and a multitude of other detrimental factors that weaken our bodies, limit our health and happiness, and destroy our children’s health and our civilization.

The altered frequency is literally everywhere.  All music has been tuned to, or ‘out of tune’ since the early part of the 20th century.  Had we any idea, perhaps we would have done something about it.  Little did we know that the most extreme poison is something that we cannot lock our doors to, nor close our minds to; it is rampant everywhere.  It is in the air waves, cell phone ring tones, door bells, school bells, television and radio frequencies, microwave frequencies, every piece of music that streams from your cell phone, CD player, and all through your television for your viewing pleasure.  You cannot wear earplugs to block it out, for it penetrates your entire being even through your skin.  Your skin is made up of the same tissue as your ear. It is the largest organ of your body, and it is picking up the vibrations coming at it from all over the place.

This small and silent invader was set into motion nearly 100 years ago by some crafty and conniving philanthropists named Rockefeller and Rothschild. From information gathered in the late 1800’s about the detrimental effect of certain vibration sequences on the human body, the simple tuning of what had been standard for millennia changed from 432 Hz. to 440 Hz. The body friendly tuning was changed in the US in 1922.  By 1956, 440Hz was fixed as a standard of measurement worldwide.  There are very few accomplished musicians that have even the slightest clue as to why they tune to 440, let alone what happens when they do.

bozo was not in business by himself

there are 8,000,000,000 other business people now doing their business all over the planet

now that you also know what the business is you do not need to wait for the bozo team to
hot take you to oblivion with their definite definition of the business which is going to flip
the judge who pronoun free declared the bozo clam guilty on day one of the clam bake

the subsequent feast has been all about the vig and nothing more than a photo app for the
bozo clan to come clean about the business they have done all over the country which in
the clean up was smeared across the planet now requiring more paper to clean up in a
lingering paper shortage started by guess who

short take the appearance of a trial is a trial balloon for all balloonists doing their business
in the place where your personal business is cleaned up with some (whoops) paper again and
the only counting being done }hear{ is the sound of lips flapping as the cost is piled up in neat
little pyramid shaped piles of bozo fantasy stories set aflame by themselves when exposed to
a little blue light containing the average amount of hydrogen in a bucket of [see] water.

you my fiend appear to have been sucked in by the giant vacuum sucking the stolen shekels
out of the engorged blowzo balloon show and all the judge and his clerk are doing is /-/--/-/-/
lying down the tick marks and crossing them off in groups of a million to come to a sum total
fractionally divining the cost of the bozo clan clean up for those of us who do our business
in private keeping the cleaning person in mind as the progress progresses until turning out the light

Timaeus 534 A as the number system goes in the 1892 edition of the 3000 year old book that keeps on being written
in a magnetically tantalizing way

....there is a divinity moving you like that contained in the stone which Euripides calls a magnet,
but which is commonly known as the stone of Heraclea. This stone not only attracts iron rings,
but also imparts to them a similar power of attracting other rings; and sometimes you may see
a number of pieces of iron and rings suspended from one another so as to form quiet a long chain;
and all of them derive their power of suspension from the original stone

In a like manner the Muse first of all inspires men herself; and from these inspired persons a chain
of other persons is suspended, who take the inspiration. For all good poets epic as well as lyric,
compose their beautiful poems not by art, but because they are inspired and possessed.

Ion 80 A

...whether discharged in the air or bowled along the ground, are to be investigated on a similar principle;
and swift and slow sounds, which appear to be high and low, and are sometimes discordant on account
of their inequality, and then again harmonical on account of the equality of the motion which they excite in us.

For when the motions of the antecedent swifter sounds begin to pause and the two are equalized,
the slower sounds overtake the swifter and then propel them. When they overtake them they do not
intrude on a new and discordant motion, but introduce the beginnings of a slower, which answers to
the swifter as it dies away, thus producing a single mixed expression out of high and low, whence arises
a pleasure which even the unwise feel, and which to the wise becomes a higher sort of delight, being
an imitation of divine harmony in mortal motions.

More over, as to the flowing of water, the fall of the thunderbolt, and the marvels that are observed about
the attraction of amber and the Heraclean stones, none of these cases is there any attraction; but

who investigates rightly, will find that such wonderful phenomena are attributable to the combination of certain conditions,
---the non existence of a vacuum,
---the fact that objects push one another round,
---and that they change places,
---Passing severally into their proper positions as they are divided or combined.

Such as we have seen, is the nature and such are the causes of respiration,

---the subject in which this discussion originated......

goes on like that guess Newty forgot this bit or was too busy eating apples to remember the important parts
lending evidence to the dangers of believing that a vacuum exists anywhere other than in a vacuum cleaner
filled with the vacuumed up bits and the static electricity generated by rubbing air along a round surface
at a density of water in the atmost sphere of relevance remains relevant after the visible has left
the room at a right angle as the earth continues to spin in the spin we are in using the magnetochem
icelectro forces forcing the answer out of the aether in the absence of air everywhere but here
