The use of the double negative has a negative
 effect on the possible positive outcome of 
the misuse of the mismisunderstood
 term in the first sentence.

This is the root of the tree 
having three problems
with one word
and the word

The Constitution
Grants certain authority to States
while simultaneously creating the 
other side of the 
same coin

While The Constitution
Graciously grants Certain Authority 
The Authority Granted
Grants certain
Certainly Execute 
with Certain certinty
Equally : aka 
regulated regulations
Requiring action//Reaction at
the stated STATE level

this law was enacted while criominals were still holding office
this one caveat was caveated in to kick those criminals out

The false equivalancy of silent enforcement 
pairs well with the mis mistated backwards
question putting the letter of the law into 
questionalbe question territory
surrounded by a fire

The first state that allowed the criminal on the ballot 
by failing do read the law that had. not needed
to be read since the law had
been implemented due
to the fact that
in the 
leaglly potential candidates
with criminal backgrounds
have all read the 
and no one has tried it 
until 2023 
when some states out of laziness
did not do what the federal government requires
they do and did not
keep bozo off the ballot

The argument being made is the following:

In this work of art which
puts any pre prepared word salad to
rotten rest as a readable feast,
not only is the backwards question 
taken furthur astray
but the rule of law is laughably
re restated as
some sort of post trial
post partem 
post de facto
post you name it
redefinining of a past which
only exists as a fantasy
in the minds of the may
as inspired
by the flapping of 
the lips of
Clown who just won't stay down
and the clown show behind him that 
continues to blow a bit more
air into his beaten
badly big old boy body
as the show is allowed to
The adults in the room 
remember the name Adolf
The big old boy with 
the flapping lips is 
sent up the river on a
much larger  ship
The ship of state

you know the one where some criminals get the idea
from other criminals who came before them
that the particular crime which 
they are committing is
generally not such
a beneficial
thing for
the very
it is
claimed to be exclusively beneficial for
and so when the observed becomes the observer
as unseen through the flapping of 
nailed to the sky 
by a long red tie
wearing clown
the answer is
coming up
while the clown
is going down

THusly thus given that 

a. Congress Executed
B. Congressional responsibilty
C. By Enacting 
D. Section 3 as LAW
E. Resulting in the responsibility
1. Given To the States
2. To Uphold the LAWS 
3. Given to the STATES 
a. by the government to enforce

Any state which allows 

1. Criminals 
2. Children
3. Unborn of US

on the ballot
is voilating
the LAW

Due to
As a result of
Following from
1. The FAILURE of 
2. The First state to 
3. put bozo off the ballot
4. by not allowing bozo
on the ballot
5. due to not reading the law

Due to
As a result of

The first state to

A. read the law and
B. recognize the responsibility and 
C. Execute the responsibility authorized by the federal government
 through the laws the state is required to enforce

creates a legal question which must be viewed from
a perspective which does not exist

The fact is that some states violated the federal law
by requiring that bozo not be listed on the 
ballot as an eligible candidate for
the position in question

Why has this been unrecoginzed

Why is the SCROTUS appearing to 
encourage and abet
the violation of 
federal law?

What the law exactly does not say is 

A. The federal law requires you the state to 

B. Keep the criminals off the ballot period

C. And make sure that the criminals are on the ballot for 
the federal election!

Section five

Congress the power to give the states the 
A. Authority to 
B. Enforce the Laws
C. Given to EACH STATE 
D. BY the Federal Government 
make sure that no 

1. Criminals
2. Children
3. Unborn of the US 

Be allowed to be presented on the 
Ballot for the jobs to


The requirement has been violated. 
Squeaking that 
Said Crime
should continue

When the trial is not allowed to happen it is a little difficult to 
fit the one bill which is waiting for services rendered....

The Propaganda paper released by SCROTUS lists this case as one in defense of the idea that Congress could reverse the enforcement of a state required to deny employment to a known Criminal.
After the state failed to perform the obligation
that the authority granting said state-hood confers
In Fact the reverse is true. The state sent a known criminal of a certain ilk to congress and the choice was rejected by the sane part of the crowd The question was not whether or not the 
was representing
representative of 
the representative
the representative
was representing others
and mis representing representations
of re presented ideas presented again
in the guise of new ideas newly present 
in the idea bin of old ideas


Born in County KildareIreland, Whiteley immigrated to the United States in 1836 with his parents, who settled in Georgia. He received private instruction in elementary education. He engaged in manufacturing. He studied law and was admitted to the bar in 1860, commencing practice in Bainbridge, Georgia.[1]

Whiteley opposed secession, but after the adoption of the ordinance entered the Confederate States Army and fought throughout the Civil War. He served in the 5th Georgia Infantry and 2nd Georgia Sharpshooter Battalion, attaining the rank of major.[2] He served as member of the State constitutional convention in 1867.[1]

He was an unsuccessful candidate for election in 1866 to the Fortieth Congress, then presented credentials as a senator-elect to the United States Senate on July 15, 1870, to fill the vacancy in the term beginning March 4, 1865, but as the election took place prior to the readmission of Georgia into the Union was not admitted to a seat.[1]

Whiteley was elected as a Republican to the Forty-first Congress to fill the vacancy caused by the House declaring Nelson Tift not entitled to the seat. He was reelected to the Forty-second and Forty-third Congresses and served from December 22, 1870, to March 3, 1875. He was an unsuccessful candidate for reelection to the Forty-fourth Congress and for election to the Forty-fifth Congress.


Tift was born in Groton, Connecticut. Early in his life he became a devout Episcopalian.

He moved with his family to Key West, Florida in the 1820s, where he assisted his father in a mercantile business, and then to Augusta, Georgia in 1830, where he was also in business. During his travels, he opened many side businesses and ventures. He arrived in what would later be called Albany and set up a small trading post along with a sawmill.[1] On July 5, 1840, he was elected to the Baker County, Georgia Inferior Court and was re-elected to that post in January 1841. In 1840, he owned 11 slaves.[2]

Tift was married and had at least one daughter, Fannie, who was married to Confederate War Captain Thomas N. Nelson; he fought in the war and died at Tupelo, Mississippi in 1864.

In 1840, Tift was elected as a colonel of the local unit of the Georgia Militia. In 1841, he was elected to the Georgia House of Representatives and was re-elected to that one-year position in 1847, 1851, and 1852. While a state legislator, he supported the reopening of the international slave trade as a means to extend slave ownership to all white Georgians, and chastised white artisans for opposing the use of slave craftsmen. Although not an advocate of immediate secession, he accepted the final decision and lent his services to the new nation.[3]

Tift founded, edited and published the Albany Patriot newspaper from 1845 until 1858.

In 1850, he owned eight slaves.[4] In 1860, he owned nine slaves in Albany,[5] and an additional 19 slaves spread out over two locations in surrounding Dougherty County.[6]

Civil War years and later life[edit]

During the American Civil War, Tift was a captain[7] in the Confederate States Navy supply department. He built gunboats for the Confederate navy and supplied the Rebel army with beef and hardtack produced by his factories at Albany and at nearby Palmyra in Lee County.[3]

After the war ended, he was elected to the 40th United States Congress as a U.S. Representative with the Democratic Party and served from July 25, 1868, until March 3, 1869. He was not permitted to qualify for re-election in 1868 and unsuccessfully contested the election of his replacement, Richard H. Whiteley.

After his congressional service, Tift worked in various businesses. He served as a delegate to the State Constitutional Convention in 1877.

He was extremely popular with the people of Albany, and built a large home in the center of the city that still stands today.

He died in Albany on November 21, 1891, and was buried in that city's Oakview Cemetery.

TIFT, Nelsona Representative from Georgia; born in Groton, Conn., July 23, 1810; attended the village school; moved to Key West, Fla., with his father in 1826, to Charleston, S.C., in 1830, and engaged in the mercantile business; moved to Georgia and engaged in mercantile pursuits at Augusta, Richmond County, in 1835, at Hawkinsville, Pulaski County, in March 1836, and at Albany, Baker (now Dougherty) County, in October 1836; founder of the Augusta (Ga.) Guards in 1835; founder of the city of Albany, Ga., in 1836; served as justice of the peace; delegate from Baker County to the State convention held in Milledgeville, Ga., in 1839, to reduce the membership of the State legislature; elected to the Baker County Inferior Court on July 5, 1840; reelected in January 1841 and again in 1849; elected colonel of Baker County (Ga.) Militia in 1840; member of the State house of representatives in 1841, 1847, and 1851-1852; founder in 1845 of the Albany Patriot and served as editor and publisher until 1858; during the Civil War was connected with the Confederate States Navy Supply Department with the rank of captain; upon the readmission of Georgia to representation was elected as a Democrat to the Fortieth Congress and served from July 25, 1868, to March 3, 1869; presented credentials as a Member-elect to the Forty-first Congress, but was not permitted to qualify; contested the subsequent election of Richard H. Whiteley to the Forty-first Congress, but no action was taken thereon; conducted an extensive plantation and operated lumber, flour, and corn-meal mills; also instrumental in promoting the building of several railroads, serving as president; delegate to the State constitutional convention in 1877; died in Albany, Dougherty County, Ga., on November 21, 1891; interment in Oakview Cemetery.

The only logical legal action left would be to expedite the right trial which this 
word salad which contradicts itself with mis assumed assumptions 
in every paragraph if not sentence
is specifically

Written in the present tense...

Section 3.

No person shall be
 a Senator or Representative in Congress,
 or elector of President and Vice-President,
 or hold any office, civil or military,
 under the United States,
 or under any State,
 who, having previously taken an oath, 
as a member of Congress,
 or as an officer of the United States,
 or as a member of any State legislature,
 or as an executive or judicial officer of any State,
 to support the Constitution of the United States,
 shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same,
 or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof.

 But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.

for those who can understand
the English Language

The state has the responsibility to 
keep any ballot run by the state clean of

1. Criminal of a certain ilk and their associates
2. Children of a certain age to be attained
3. former occupants of the oval office by a term
4. Citizens born of a State of the US

If a State finds an applicant for the position to be
elige UN-able for the position available
both houses of congress
may over ride said decision
a vote of the congress
to allow said applicant on the ballot
requiring 2/3 of both houses

what happened here today was
the SCROTUS telling the CONGRESS
that the congress is out of order and
SCROTUS Is now authorizing what only 
Congress is authorized to authorize
