Looking at May from ~10:30 in a day six months away

The world you live in turned on edge where 
May occupies the top slot in this 
game of target practice when imagining ones self
moving down along a diagonal as the sole creator of the illusion
a self other than the one 
 moving up along an arc

should have been the game
that every child played in school
until the idea
of an ellipse as
represented by a quadratic formula

a bent triangle might be 
less imposing than
the idea
 that the 
surface of a sphere
is represented
by the same equation
 as the
 perimeter of a triangle
often mis represented by using the phrase
Pythagorean theorem 
rather than
 the formula for everything
which the Egyptian pyramid builders
taught to their Greek friends from across the pond
a couple of thousand years before the Jesus story
was an idea that some crackpot dreamed up
and had the cracked pots to write the 
dream down on laying around
in pieces since the Roman
Oil magnates decided
Baghdad batteries
are verboten

Radius Representing the C orner of any foundation Squared 
up to a square corner once 
a point has been established
at which to orient the

Being equal to in all equal ways
to the sum of 
Longer Leg aka( the line formed Opposite Largest Angle) Squared Added to
Shorter leg (aka the line formed Opposite Smallest Angle) Squared

And all the smart explanations 
begin with the opposite premise stated
in an undefined direction

Rather than being stated as the formula for a circle of completeness
where 15 or 24 are equally opposite
in the elusive search for
one division of 360

the imaginary image
often called

There are 24 lines drawn to 24 equally spaced points on the
circular circle you the observer are wally with your nose over
the wall there at the line in front where your
nose will be wiping the same imaginary
diagonal six months from the day 
you now look
 at across the
apparent void filled with
magnetically attractive
repulsive forces
forcing the thing
to spin the

The visual field in the wild and
the whorl

The most accurate clock in the world because it is the world...
