Gill Ga Mesh aka Hydrogen teaches Magnetic Man Watery ideas of electricity and other molecules of meeker madness

This is the very edge of writing for the thousands of years that people had been watching the stars 
and everything around them in detailed detail the way things worked were stories that the people
who lived every day as a science experiment lived and when there were no cities there was no
reason to write things down but as people grew on the planet it became necessary to write down
things so that the old knowledge could be spread to the new people

there were obviously, given the writing, enough people and enough business and enough travel and
enough manufacturing and enough money to require bills and as a result have billing issues where
payments are not made and purchases are not delivered and accidents happen and things on occasion
go right and goods are traded for money a few times as people take materials out of the ground or 
out of the water and turn those materials into other materials some of which will last and some of 
which are not meant to last and all have a purpose the least of which is to create a lot of garbage

there was knowledge of the different forces forcing this and that together into this that and another
thing which is either a conglomerate of this and that or the result of changes at the molecular level
breaking up the energy arrangement and the molecular components of this and that where all of 
the that and this recombine into either another that and a different this or something else where
it is water that either produces the friction (think rockets burning up re entering the lower and
densely wet lower atmosphere from the moon where the water content is much less dense and
so the grave nature of wetness is less wet) or is a product of the friction of heat squeezing water
out of combustible material containing water in the form of water or reducing molecules which
contain water to water and the rest of it aka ash...


The temptress holding up her hands in the shape of an H is the hydrogen of which every thing
which exists is either a by product or a compound substance inclusive of the hydrogen molecule
or of some derivative product which every other molecule which has been detected is at the 
level of molecular geometry where magnetic/electric forces constantly move in the state
where hydrogen can be found in the atmosphere near the sun and in the atmosphere near 
Neptune and Uranus

Known to have interacted with many different molecules in the past where the other party 
finds an unexpected end to and unexpected experience this protagognist is the gnomon 
against which the curve will be determined and the angles of inclination identified 
given the universal laws of geometry which hydrogen and all other derivative 
substances which are always collections of magneto/electro forces arranged
in a specific geometry identifying one substance from the next.

Enkidu Denki the lines in the hat and the beard tell the story
this is the electric force which moves constantly and moves
in straight lines constantly bouncing off this and that ringing
the bell and moving on and when the pressure rises due to 
increased movement due to this or that things change into 
that and this faster than you can shake a stick at the moon.

Gilgamesh the magnetic angle of every observed 
electric movement creating a set of electro magnetic
forces where the electro is the line determining the curve around which the magneto arcs itself

The way animals communicate via resonance at the human hearing level as birds do over distances
echo locating as bats do and whatever name
is to be given to what hydrogen and oxygen
do when put within spitting distance from 
each other under different densities due
to pressure or heat or light or all three.

Magnetic fields have Gilgamesh/lion hair
