To Look at Gaza from Giza

one would look East and a little north but mostly East
This is where the shore line was a while ago on the west 
axis of the Giza Hydrogen 
Program of
understanding the thing
you are standing on so that 
when you stand under that thing
you are not worried about where 
you stand
you are simply in a position to point
out an infrequently 
seen facet of a 
multi faceted system of faces
The bottom of the image below faces mostly west
as the compass indicates
Follow the compass as the view is rotated
Image without the coordinate grid
and Look at the MM 
AT the peaks are vent terminations
There are 14 in this pictiure
Obvious material leached into 
the ground in the dark spots
This the elevation above sea level is 
below the base of the 
existing buildings
The Shoreline has moved and the terraformed land which looks
exactly like the hooded snake on the hats the owners
of this operation wore
leaves a mark more
permanent than
any scratch on
some plaster of paris

The Shoreline has moved 
as material from the bedrock
 from the sea to the old
volcano basin that feeds the snake
re feeds itself inthe
classic Orouboros
which never bites off
more than it can chew

Click on the picture above to go to Google Earth
and look around at the big picture

For those with the eyes to see
Click on the image to imagine
another facet
of your
