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The slab stele of Wepemnefret from his West Field tomb in Giza, G 1201. Framed in white are the name of the lioness goddess Mehit at the top, and two offerings below to the right, "red beer" dšrt, and "milk", jtrt, each one thousand cups. Mehit together with the bent rod is also mentioned in the rightmost column together with the patron goddess of archives and libraries Seshat whose name is written here with her emblem Gardiner R20. Image courtesy of the Phoebe A. Hearst Museum of Anthropology and the Regents of the University of California-catalog 6-19825.

You are told that the word wine [feather lips box) is not spelled
correctly due to sloppy execution and that is bread on the table


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Howard Carter opens the coffin of the Eighteenth Dynasty pharaoh Tutankhamun

Egyptology (from Egypt and Greek -λογία-logiaArabicعلم المصريات) is the scientific study of ancient Egypt. The topics studied include ancient Egyptian historylanguageliteraturereligionarchitecture and art from the 5th millennium BC until the end of its native religious practices in the 4th century AD.



First explorers


The earliest explorers of ancient Egypt were the ancient Egyptians themselves. Inspired by a dream he had, Thutmose IV led an excavation of the Great Sphinx of Giza and inscribed a description of the dream on the Dream Stele. Less than two centuries later, Prince Khaemweset, fourth son of Ramesses II, would gain fame for identifying and restoring historic buildings, tombs and temples, including pyramids; and has subsequently been described as the first Egyptologist.[1]

Natural electrum "wires" on quartz, historic specimen from the old Smuggler-Union Mine, Telluride, Colorado, USA
The Pactolus river, from which Lydia obtained electrum for its early coinage
Electrum Phoenician bowl with mythological scenes, a sphinx frieze and the repre­sentation of a king vanquishing his enemies, Cypro-Archaic I, from Idalion, 8th–7th centuries BC (Louvre, Paris)
Brooch with a griffin protome, from the necropolis of Kameiros, Rhodes, c. 625–600 BC (Louvre)

Electrum is a naturally occurring alloy of gold and silver,[1][2] with trace amounts of copper and other metals. Its color ranges from pale to bright yellow, depending on the proportions of gold and silver. It has been produced artificially and is also known as "green gold".[3]

Electrum was used as early as the third millennium BC in the Old Kingdom of Egypt, sometimes as an exterior coating to the pyramidions atop ancient Egyptian pyramids and obelisks. It was also used in the making of ancient drinking vessels. The first known metal coins made were of electrum, dating back to the end of the 7th century or the beginning of the 6th century BC.

During the then 

roaring 20's and since Napolean

The wealthy have funded the collection of ART

from A Broad list of places

Egyptology was the way Harvard Endowers

used Harvard Endow Ed 

Ex Plorers to 

gently remove the materials

and clean up the mess

This course


is about Egyptology and the history
of egyptologists not about Egypt
Not about the science used 10000 years before now in Egypt not
about how gold copper iron were smelted to the eye watering 
pieces of jaw dropping perfection alized construction from the 
big pointy buildings to the Holes dug every where there was some dirt to the black earth which has a geological tale to tell relative to the red earth which based on what remains an unquestionable 5000 years and twice that count of structures great and small that 
were executed by the River runners who learned everything that 
the world around them was willing to teach through observation
though geometry planning and eventually execution and maintenance of Earth designed earth Centric Earth processors which took water and used water to change water into what are now referred to by the clue less as chemicals where there is a liquid or a gas that
can be detected captured re used or recycled and a solid which can be re used and a final desired product which can be a liquid and can be a solid and is always energy which is and can be used in the next step of the process of processes which are the creation and building of every life form right down to the point of a volcanic eruption near the shore line
being an event that is crystal eyezed to be seen later as the system
which beats in the heart of every bag of salt water solutions snaking his and her way around this bag of salt water solution trailed by a bag of Oxygen 240,000 not so far away miles along the distant arc
displayed by the arc the orb swings at as it brings up the rear
and never leaves the smell of mommy more than a degree out of 
reach on the end of that 240,000 mile long magnetic tether
that effects the weather and pours the wine. 

Wealthy people went to the barren desert there in the north of the more barren desert of western Africa above the horn and found the poor dirty people scraping a bare minimum off the charred surface of a volatile moving target that at a whim brought tragedy trauma and the eventual satiety which returns after every good beating dissipates into the atmosphere as a little heat quenched with a few mouths full of water spit out at the end like lightening

This course is about that trip and the subsequent effort/sssss
to dig in the dirt and uncover a few things in the way Euclid had
visited the promontory across the pond that attracted plenty
of attention back in the day where the pointy building builders had been writing books in stone for a few thousand years before Euclid had been a twinkle in his mothers eye on warm day north of the big blue sea and if you know nothing about

the Giza plateau as one element in what is a salt crusted trail
which leads measurably along the Nile river from Lake Victoria
where the water is sourced initially in a snake like path to the 
mouth of the cobra above Cairo which was not Cairo when the
Lake known as Victoria was not the Eye of Horus and had just
formed the Giza plateau was more likely the Sea Shore which 
now can be found 100 miles to the north

At the edge of 100 cubic miles of terra formed Black earth 
popularly popularized as the black earth of lower Egypt.

You might learn a few things as the course covers the 
incomplete project of digging out some of the buildings
which had been left along what was the meandering Nile
in order to understand what had happened along that 
swath of land over the period of time since LAke Victoria
had begun to leak water into that valley at a particular rate.

The course explains how the egyptologist is interested in the 
colors and the gold and the design as it is pleasing to the eye
that these unfortunate unfortunates were lucky enough to 
find laying around in piles just waiting for some poor farmer
to come along and pick up to bring home to the wife only to have the 
Praetorian guard come around tomorrow and remove to be given to you are told the king who will be buried in the big old pointy pointless
tombs along with the found jewels and the other stuff they picked up at Walmart for the moulding in the perpetual bedrooms you are told these perpetual fantasize-rs liked no loved to fantasize
about as manna was falling from heaven every time they were not being washed away in a flood because they were too stupid to farm
far enough away....as the story has been told now for 2024 years and
counting on e second every 60th of a 60th of  15 degrees on a big circle where 360 equals one

These are some of the pictures taken when the wealthy had Harvard
use some of their Tax Deductable money to send people to Giza around 1900 and slum it with the camel jockeys under the pretense of science looking to get paid back in spades by digging up the famed gold that the 
people who lived to the east wrote so copiously about for a few thousand years in stone....

Family portraits over thirty years
Made at the factory owned by the daddy of the little girl who
grew up with the business WHich his Daddy had run and built up before him whose daddy had run and built up before him ....The
lecturer points to the quality of the Chiseling....fails to mention
the fabrication potential in the copies of copies found around...

Cemetery G 4000: G 4561, Kaemankh, chapel, recess, S wall, W half, relief 
(Kaemankh seated at offering table), and inscription (compartment offering list), looking S you are told
this was part of the tomb construction where the story is about how to live in the after life not the formula and steps for smelting dirt
into gold or copper or the specific metal which is shown on the table that was produced in this space when it was a functioning business
that fed a lot of people without bank accounts.or cars

That is supposed to be bread on the table

You are told this was added later 
more bread on the table
told this was added later 
more bread on the table
Not once
 over hours and. hours of 
speculating about what this or that might have 
other wise looked like for some other set of imaginary reasons
no mention is ever made of how these 
"scavengers" were able to build the 
casket and the mask
of one of the people
this little project dug up eventually
not once


Tomb G 7000X of Hetepheres I, burial chamber, looking South (1926)

Starting in 1902, a joint expedition of Harvard University and the Boston Museum of Fine Arts took over the excavation of Giza. For 23 years they methodically cleared and documented the area. On March 9, 1925, while the leader of the expedition, George Reisner, was back in the USA, the staff photographer noticed a patch of plaster where he was expecting limestone.[4] Under the direction of Ahmed Said, Reisner's head rais, they cleared the area and removed the plaster, revealing a deep shaft. They dug down 85 feet before reaching a masonry wall which, when penetrated, revealed a jumble of grave goods including a white alabaster sarcophagus, gold encased rods used to frame a canopy or tent, gold, wood furniture, and more. Using binoculars and mirrors, Battiscombe Gunn reported that he saw an inscription identifying Sneferu.[5] But this, contrary to newspaper reports at the time, only meant that the owner of the tomb had lived during the reign of Sneferu.

Reisner concluded that this represented a secret reburial, possibly because robbers had gotten into the original tomb. By April, he had identified the owner of the tomb as Hetepheres, wife of Sneferu and mother of Khufu.[4] In 1927, the team gathered to open the sarcophagus only to find that it was empty.[6][7]

Reisner conjectured that originally, Hetepheres had been buried near her husband's pyramid in Dahshur and that her tomb was broken into shortly after her burial. He thought the robbers had opened the sarcophagus, stolen her mummy with all of her gold trappings, but had fled before taking the rest of her treasures. Reisner speculated that in order to avoid the wrath of the king, the officials responsible for her tomb, told Khufu that her mummy was still safely inside the sarcophagus. Khufu then ordered the sarcophagus and all of his mother's funerary artifacts reburied at Giza, near his own pyramid.[4][8]

The exact sequence of her burial events remains a mystery, however.[6] Dr. Mark Lehner has suggested that G 7000X was the original tomb for Hetepheres and that her second tomb was the Pyramid G1-a. He conjectured that the mummy of the queen was removed from G 7000X when the pyramid was completed and that some of the grave goods were left behind when the queen was reburied.

A third possibility, outlined by I. E. S. Edwards in his review of Lehner's theory, is that G 7000X was meant to be final resting place of Hetepheres and that the mummy was robbed from that structure shortly after her burial. It may be possible that a superstructure in the form of a pyramid was planned for shaft G 7000X.[8]

Dr. Zahi Hawass has suggested that Hetepheres was originally buried at G1-a, the northernmost of the small pyramids, and that after a robbery a new shaft was excavated for a new tomb. This would explain the evidence of tampering on the tomb objects.

Welcome back to the world the rest of you is going to live in which is not the world of magnetic moving energy

you see hear and feel
if the sound is up loud enough

The world you have returned to is one in which :

The physicists are not chemists and so always leave the edge of physics where chemistry begins
the Chemist are not physicists and so always leave the edge of chemistry where physics ended
the Biologist is neither a chemist nor a physicist for all of the molecular magnetic electrified motion driven reasons
the Astro Physicist is a color analyst who is not a geometer and not a geologist but knows how the universe operates
by looking through big looking glasses and listening to the sound of what they will tell you in the next breath is a vacuum...

the Geologer is none of the above and is essentially a movement analyst who is able to look at movement in stillness
the Geometer is now a subset of the Mathologer the savants who have taken arithmetic and turned it inside out as dreams
which the average high school student has been convinced could possibly be something other than 3=2+1 or C^2=B^2+A^2
which they were taught to memorize backwards if they were hard working enough to get into MIT are put forth as the answers
to the question s you didn't know how to ask because you were never introduced to water which is what you composes the 99%
of you which appears to rise and fall as the earth spins orbits and bounces around along a much less turbulent path than the
hydrogen atoms that passed you and your dog by within spitting distance leaving a decibel mark where some former physician
is going to tell you indelible is the better expression to ion eyes that idea with.
The pool of tears grew a little while you were away filming its wild relatives who live free and die young because they read
Plato and listened to Socrates and know that Euclid got the ideas for his books on a class trip across the pond to the pointy
building place where the terra formers explained to any Geek willing to listen that you form the earth the way the earth forms
the earth and every living thing under the Sun including the rivers the lakes the water tables and the loony tunes that compose the earth
as broken pieces of hydrogen stuck together with melted versions of itself pushing as hard as they can to get away while
continuously bumping into former ideas of their collectively separate former selves as the very thing each seeks to avoid.........
~~~~~~~::::::::::~~~~~...is the next thing over in any direction and looking very attractive

You have one foot out of the bath tub and no one who wears glasses that good looking is going to have left a piece of soap
on the floor or let the water run out where it is not useful to where it can and is always lethal when misunderstood as the
one thing which does not mix with oil because it is oil and the idea of oil not mixing with oil is about as absurd as thinking
that the cloud you see in the sky at different levels of density is not exactly the same as what you see ripping rocks apart as
some of the Agua running in place there runs circles around other idea s of hydrogen sticking together as a rock when the
heart of water knows as the pointy building builders did that you want to be you more than you know only because you
were never introduced to your true self which is running off the page here for the next eight hours and counting.
