Meet Horus the Eye that never sleeps Found by Ssome one

Listened to a few Wailing walls and corners of
 what is written
 was written
 and will be written
 on the temple of Unas who did not die according
to what is written on the walls inside the house that Unas had
built and employed people who
 worked to produce 
a lot of fantastic stuff
Some of which is Uttered

You do not find the science texts because this is the science text this is about hydrogen light/dark hot/cold positive/negative light/heavy
dense/gas beer/bread and the lists go on with specificity the way that you are being very very specific about red quartz masquerading
as liquid alabaster spread over a sandstone core for the aesthetic effect while being completely in cognizant of exactly what is in
a half a loaf of bread or a piece of sandstone a bowl of roasted meat or a cooked soup of beef processed product some salt and
the contents of exactly two of one specific size and type of container which has a name and has a shape shown in the words
that these words are masquerading as hiding in front of when the reality is in the background on a different focal plane where
the angles that an artist draws on the wall provide the perspective that the geo metricians which the people who thoth these
scientific lines up and disguised as Hymns or Poems or Prayer all of which have what is called in the music business a beat
a freak a pulse a rhythm a specific geometry arranged in platonic shapes at radii determining the structure of the piece
whether that piece is Bach Fugue # 3 or something that kan misssing one eye ye thinks sounds like momoneye........

each of the seven planets is a storehouse for one of the nine basic elements in the verse these rappers wrote on the walls
with the repetition that made sense out of nonsense rather than the currrently preferred method of white album magic where
nonsense is made out of what could only make sense after half the infinite line of impostors has been eliminated from the line up

The Aneid as it turns in in the best Viktor Schauberger breathe in from all points to a center to get some results idea
The Aneid was not an idea had by some post Aristotle deep thinker, No The Aneid was written by the janitor who found
this in the pump house for Operation #99 which is a hundred miles up stream much closer to the source of the snake
that ran the operation on Giza along with the ocean providing two sources of water for the one operation that makes
use of the 20th century fantasy that salt is not metal and that some product called metal or a metal which everyone
in the metal business worth his weight in salt knows is well you get the idea since you have that modern day fantasy
word root written on your left hand in one language which is not base 60

Back to the grindstone as the Romans would eventually say enough to make the phrase which only the geo me tricks
who lived and still live all up and down the vent for Lake Victorica which passes through the most massive Lichtenburg
fulgurite field I've ever seen in green as it exits the big libation bowl and begins the snaky journey filled with how many millions
of billions of veiny events fillied with fish jumping up to catch the magnetic arc that carrys them to the top of a lock
where they use the same magnetic lava tube trick (no pun/joke/scientific slip of the lip/faux pas there or here).

If you watch the news, the dude with the money to fund a replica of the temple of unas from the idea down to the
ground down ground and up again to demonstrate the god damned accuracy not to mention truth of what is written
on the walls of the Unas Hydrofractor Unit #5999 in a list punctuated a bit down river at UNITS # 1, 2, 3 which in
base 60 juices up with a little pressure and some turbulence is always high enough to count any Gizan grindstone

which grinds water into iron when some stone needs to be cut............

The Cannibal Hymn

which you need to sing to Terrence Howard and Joey Ramses the 59th Rogan in the Key of G

the mission should you choose to accept is may endanger your life
do not be foolish enough to attempt to destroy this message nothing
that is created can be destroyed just dismantled in a neat way with water
not exactly the rocket science of life outside the pool for those here in the deep end
where the snakes hide in the corners like coils of rope until the light comes on and wala


if anyone who can read is paying attention

The video is paused at 15:46 and I have no idea what comes next but here is what did not just happen
up to this point in the discussion about prime numbers and the particular number two which has a lot of
names since it has been around for a minute or three and is early on in the imaginary line that ends at
infinity which is the problem you are really talking about


every numeral is a composite of N =2^x+3^y

go ahead any work on that until infinity and it will prove itself when you
give it a push and allow 2^0 to equal 1 if that is not imaginarily impossible........

now in base 60 the only prime numbers are the set of
prime numbers which ends at 59 given

the base 10 concept that at 10 you begin to count again from the 1 which
started the river flowing in the winding way rivers run

so If you are wasting your time looking at composites of
the only prime numbers which is this list here

2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29 31 37 41 43 47 53 59

and in the AI generated list you will find the next item listed at 61 making 1 the other prime number
in base 60 that does not have the same problem that the twelfth root of two has when multiplied
by 432 the meaningful number representing the radius of the sun where you do not have to have
a degree from MIT to know that 432 ={[2^(2^2)]*(3^3)} no kidding

and when you work in base 60 which I am going to guess that a percentage of the people who
read this far have never heard of and can not imagine a use for you leave a comment for
Joey Ramses here and let him know who knows what about the number 2

which if you express as the square root of two in an imaginary world seeking to build a
box out of a couple of imaginary lines connecting a few dots to a specific corner using
the rules that building real boxes follow in an imaginary way you were never looking
for the answer that some base 60 denier has been pushing on you since the day
before you were born
