On B in G aka Abstract Africa

Abstract Africa

system and the juice was the water and the pool of tears which each of the pointy buildings appears to float on was controlled
with a specificity that the place has come to get more specific about as it is the specific weight of water and the specific size
of the built in measuring cups that are built into the plant that run the specific operations of the machines using the weight
of water controlled and controlling the weight of stones in vertical and at angled relationships which are looking a lot
like the angled relationships that molecular geometry shows molecular molecules having in motion which when
frozen by the removal of the liquifying force leaves the crystalline structure now commonly referred to as
metals and crystals behind when all of the large scale movement has been removed by lining up the
magnetic attraction with the electric repulsion in a lattice like pattern that varies for each geometry of
each identified metal which in the good old days before a day was a nightmare used to be called Natron

a salt any good alchemist a few thousand years ago knew how to tune with his handy tuning fork
into...well you know all the fake names that have been manufactured out of whole cloth in the
interveining 10,000 years since these Molecular Geometers dug the twelfth root of two out
of a hole in the desert somewhere south of Giza and noticed that the desert they were
standing in the middle of used to be the bottom of a big libation bowl used by the
big old electric plant operators hiding in the clouds that appear there far less
often now that the source of material for the clouds has been moved
the same way the snake carefully trained by the snake charmers
has moved the better part of one hundred cubic miles of
the central part of Africa onto the Northern coast at
the line that currently has #31 on it in the west
east direction that 10,000 years ago was
most likely known as 0 or 360 which in
the base 60 system which the
Molecular geometers knew
not to mix with a base 10
system with or without
adult supervision and
never under any
with base 2

This is the geometric explanation for the veins of iron and the empty veins which solidified with a
glass like coating on the interior? When the Giza bluff formed as an eruption on the coast
What you do not see in the blackboard picture is the tube
twisting around itself the way the moon follows the earth around the sun...or
if you watched the recent fireworks up north recently how Magma looks when flowing south

Given the assumed lack of light switches every switch had to be manual until the snake took over and the operators of this Rubics triangle
needed to know how much space was fillable since they designed the space to be filled and probably wrote the specific dimensions of
the specific spaces on some sort of specific paper that was a bit more permanent than sand...but there was a pool of tears built up about
ten feet above what was a specific floor level at the North East corner of the North East Corner which was not put there as much as
the rest of the machine was put there where that particular point at 30/31 exactly? sits...which needed to be filled with a specific weight
of water that the designers of this particular water wheel just happened to have handy on a scrap of paper somewhere in the mobile office
at site 30/31 which back in the day was probably known as point 6/((Z))

To fill the pool of tears you need to activate the siphon and snake suck water up the hill which potentially makes the first set of shafts with the slots cut in the long ends of the rectangles pump housings where the builders used cantilevered stones or better yet copper rectangles formed
in the factories there to the south of the Sphinx and operated inside of structures no longer surrounding those compression points in the
big bicycle pump system which gets the snake moving and twisting to form itself out of its parts in a very magnetic way which you see
in the sketchup drawings by the guy who wrote the book on building the buildings with a lock system and barges floating rocks around
using boats cantilever cranes with humans operating as counterweights to smooth manufactured polygons into particular places
all controlled rotations of equally weighted tools effortlessly rising/falling/rotating on a specific point either in place or in motion

All now removed by the owners when the site was shut down due to it putting itself out of business by
growing the snake hood one hundred miles in a hundred mile arc centered at the point of the top of the central pyramid...
or at 6/((Z))
to pump the water into snake like action within the natural compressed air tubes formed the exact same way the tubes
of iron were formed as veins when the entire bluff formed from a volcanic vent at the edge of the sea some 10,000 or more YBN

The last part with the green juice being pushed with the weight of water through the Vertical Saqqara salt separator
looks exactly right and the next step is to get more specific volumes of those measuring cups and the lip levels
relative to the floor levels of the pointy buildings above and the basement levels where the water was either being pumped in
or was being flushed out or both as the snake would dictate once awakened

I don't have a beach or any papyrus so I'm using this to get and idea about that.

Nice work my friend ...when are you going to get into a few of the specific metal processors that are strewn all over
the lot down there to the south of the Sphinz these are where specific salts were either re distilled or converted
into use able metallic products like those vases which they could have formed on wheels and then cooked into
granite hardness using a tuning fork rather than an oven...and the gigantic statues all formed by pouring
moltuned magma into sand formed forms which you need to start another channel to handle...

I don't see any guitars in the background so it appears that you are not familiar with music as
another lattice like arrangement of points arcs and lines and if not then look up the twelfth root
of two this is something that all children should have been taught and it is an esoteric 'secret'
that only hard core music freaks tend to talk about in the spin they call 2024 now

432 the radius of the sun
432 = 3^3 X 2^4 aka (3^3)X(2^2^2) aka 27 X 16

which winds up creating quite a few three part sets of integers which
tend to be displayed as triangles when they could equally be spheres

the twelfth root of two is the factor that determines all notes in every octave and
the rest of the music you tune the instrument to play is going to sound different
depending on the north east corner which for the sun is 432
so divide 432 by the twelfth root of two for the next eighth
interval down and multiply 432 by the twelfth root of two
for the next interval tone/vibration/freak/up
you will find a whole number every twelve steps
when using 432 as the corner and every one of
those steps is then a hydrogen like composite
of the original formula 3=2+1
in the abstract sense of
the only realtionship
a molecular
needs to
The business end of 
the biggest bicycle pump 
ever built
