The vizier and the water boy

Eventually the Snake which the Giza Hydrofractoy set in motion a minte or two back along the vein which is always a line and never 
straight  and looks just like the snake that the owners of the
project used to wear on their safety helmets 

Always holding a Tuning fork and a protractor to keep themselves aligned
with what everyone knew was the way to go
in the world that we live in which is going the way things go...along arcs in repeating
patterns which align along the magnetic attraction the repulsive half of hydrogen loves as much as the repulsion that the attractive half hates to love equally well in the well of life spiraling around in the sea of hydrogen in some state that hydrogen and the hydrogen Khemo Thermo spin system tuned to the twelfth root of two cognizant of the mean from any extreme
as the tangent connects any point on any identifiable plane to any plane connected to as it turns out every other point with can be 
connected with whether the weather is sunny or stormy as both conditions create the two opposites which the third appearance appears to take rise from as the fall relative to sea level is in the evitable of ness ness going to inevitably be relatively higher and 
lower than the lower and higher while the lower and higher are always below and above the above and below. And so it goes said

Now one fine day in the land of Khem where the electron was known as the libation and Hydrogen was half a loaf of bread when it was
kneaded and a loaf and a half when heated up to the size that a sphere seeks to submit to when boxed up in some corner trying to be as cute as a cute angle tends to be when the pressure is on and per
is the form that enhances all K shaped processes put before the big process pusher known as the snaky sneak with wings to walk the sky
and arcs to wind the wind West than East in the way that only 
north and south can appreciate as much as a big old ball of mostly
liquid hydrogen mixed up with a little oxygen shaken not stirred with three portculli to regulate the buzz and as many flaps to flip the flow from flame to flambe as all good Aqua REGIA recipies call for
the bar keep to keep in mind while concocting the concoction which takes a licken and keeps on ticken...

Now on this fine sunny day which only a fool would think to name sun day the Board of Bee inC the largest company in the land of Khemet
a bread loaf shaped piece of cool magma with a perfect sourdough
vent running down the middle listening to all good things as the snake of the Nile consumes every other form of hydrogenaged hydrogen in the incessant movement of destroying its overly complicated two thing self to create other things in other configurations which are
as they must be good bad ugly and what ever name any one happens to give to two or more hydrogen units smooshed up with some stuff that used to be two mimimal hydrogen units aka a proton and an electron smashed up into something with a different name and a different shape determined by the vibration it was ringing in on the scale covered by the twelveth root of two aka the entire range of frequency amplitude wavelength combinations that fit the one equation for every form in the same way as all forms follow the same form of a relationship between the radius of a segment defining the form and the third point creating every other possible configuation of platonic solid from the minimal gnomon aka one of the six triangles found on the surface of a five sided pyramid while cooling down where cooling down is a function of the ambient 
atmosphere measured in pressure/temprature/turbulance was 
seated at in the boardroom at the big table to discuss the business
at hand which had been the business at hand according to the records written in stone for the last period of change as change
is known to proceed resulting in period becoming a word for a point and a collection of points at the same time. Contradiction #1.

Now the business was when to replace the current hydrofractor
which had as the case always is been running for a hot second and as usual taking a beating that was eventually going to require retirement and conversion to the man cave that all good retired hydrofractors seek in their sun set years...anyway we diverge and where to locate the next new new thing with the newest new idea using what had a few thousand years been a guess and now after a continuous record of a couple of thousand years of practice been proven to be the way that things work in that sneaky snaky mouth half open split tongue movement which looks a lot more like a sine wave than it does a circle...

Now the visier as always lit the way by statiing the obvious to his leige who was as always in search of allegiance. from the citizenry and the staff that after x000 years and y000 this produced resulting in z000 more of this relative to that over this period relative to that period hydrogen is still doing exactly the same thing in exactly the same oxidating way and it is time for a new Machine to replace the one on the edge of the old Nile which has been slowing for at least a thousand years if not more according to the written in stone marks marking where the edge of this is without fear or favor forever until the rain washes the last trace of something back into the pool of tears somewhere around the bend...

Now the great great great great great great grand son of that guy depicted on that wall over there about ten dozen times where it explains when he built this current Machine there was going to be good pump action spot comong on line down the river in a few thou just as the next level of efficiency was likely to be attained leaned across the vast stone table and started to yell at the visier 
that his girlfriends girlfriend told him that the spot which the wall says to go to aka Gaza is not the best spot for good surf where
you can get a descent meal and enjoy the sea breeze with natural air conditioning  for a descent price at the current exchange rates

Now the visier poured a libation for the young Entrepreneur as he seemed a bit shaky when they had passed each ther coming and going from the bar at dawn a few ticks of the local Oblisk ago and muttered some quasi prayer to restore the vibe before assuring the up and coming middle manager that his comments would be noted for the record in stone and then put on the pile out back for eva and eva amen

Now the party of the first part along with the rest of the imaginary points appearing when slowed to resemble the background against which all protons are nothing in the absence of a cute electron in the wave that some hipsters refer to as live in G which the ancient greek readers always knew before getting there was 
the opposite of evil any way you want to look at it

 ...departed one fine day for Gaza the place which for a couple of thousand years now the people had been reading on the walls was that hot spot which right about now as the world turns was is and because it is written in stone and can be preserved by hysterical societies forever written by someone obviously 

 now when the party of the wave arrived in sinusoidal fashion at the ion of ionization in question aka Gaxa as it apparently was then called according to the broken sign swinging in the breeze in a distinctly sinusoidal pattern on the sea side saloon door aside from the broken glass which is the best way to hide fulgurite from the prying eyes of those who have been touch ed by the dude who told them they were light and listened there was no wave to bee found just some sad looking betal palms grasping for air as flacid tubers sat praying for rain in the shade the stick figure was not able to give itself from the hydrogenation party going on 93,000,000 sets of 
5280 inches in the palpable distance which relative to the rest of the
stuff that swims the hydrogen river not distant at all...

Now the visier wondered out loud in the key of F# what the F#K
where is the god damed water the water boy jumped up startled by the dissonant note which interra formation upted the most pleasant dream of the last time (his name was Joey and he spilled it Go eE) he had been to Giza with his current flame one hot little number that the last vizier had introduced him to one warm fall morning as they were observing the new moon rise from the thrd temple on the left
about half way up the river from Memphis...

Yes my vizier you rang for water and water you shall have was the second third etc words which the thoughtless torrent brought forth from the lips of his servant until the vision of the vizier said shut up you nit wit I have this jug of Lotus libation cant you see and who was talking about drinking water I am talking about this damn map which the under vizier said he got out of the right thousand plus year old pile of clay tablets look at it it has the name write here and it has the coordinates which are a little chipped but you can still read it like it was the light of day on a sunny one...look

The sceonds which followed could be squared and might be cubed to form a sphere but will always remain a pentagon of the fourth degree as Go eE cleared his lotus coated throat three times and 

Now Go eE said to his visier Visier my viser right you are my leige
without the re or the on this one is a little chipped and that looks
like the kind of approximation they will be makinig in a few thousand
years with an approximator called Baysean calculus but right now this thing here says Giza and we're in Gaza dont you know Giza the big old volcanic vent bluff at 30/30 give or take a couple of minutes????

I was up there a couple of week ends oh wait we dont have weekends do we well you know what I mean a few spins of the bottle back the better half and I and a few of the other water people took a 
float down the river and spent about two thirds of a moon shadow up there swimming hunting lions avoiding crocodiles you know the usual stuff we had electric eels to stand on for lunch and then grilled them up nice on the hibachi for moon rise it was fantastic
Haven't you been there?????

Uh no 

Well man you have to go...uh whoops well I guess we have to go because well you know it is a mistake anyone could have made so don't sweat it dude let's just pack up the chariots and once we get on the cobblestone path for a few million bumps and we'll figure out how to blame the under visier and you will be right as rain in a thunder storm

Now the charioteers were as Charioteers are more than happy to get the chariots packed up and get the show on the cobblestone and rock strewn semi path that the two wheeled wheel barrows will bounce over for a while until the occupants well shaken and stirred get to the point of the particulate that matters when the proton is as close as one gets to the magnetic ruse of matter and off they go 

Now a number of degrees on the horizontal scale pass and the sun now far below the weary well agitated riders fails to provide the light to continue west... the entourage slows their pathetic pace 
 west which would be much shorter if the atmosphere was a little thinner with a lower sand paper rate if one could possibly imagine an electron being in any way remotely similar to as/in a conceptual concepty sort of way leave in G ...air as the proton which might require a bit more thought to line up metaphorically in the right anthropomorphized terms of endearment

Horses watered food consumed a little lotus libation libated as the vizier sits stoic staid seeing the setting moon seem to be saying something as the knowledge of the location and the apparent 
motion of the other caused by the rotation of the one causes
the libation lesson to lean logical while waxing westward 
suddenly Go eE  appears to arise from the shadow to 
work the twelfth root of two into the sound of night
as the sound of night sounds somewhere between Gaza
and Giza on some sunday a few thousand years before now

Water vizier?  Would the vizier like a libation now that the vizier 
has visited the moon in moonly meditation or will the vizier now allow horus to rest for the two of us?

Water water yes water ...wait.... now that we are not bouncing around like sneakers in a dryer as the horses in front of our faces move their feces along the well trodden path fill in the picture of the place we should be at and are now not headed toward in spite of 
the abstract idea that it is heading toward us at 1000 miles per 15 degree mark on the circus if you know what I mean...

I do my vizier so let me provide the best vision of the experience that might be had in a place some call Giza which we now know is not Gaza

As my vizier knows the old ones tell the present day story of the earth opening like a loaf of over proofed bread in an oven a tick
too hot and as any baker worth his vibratory weight in salt would tell you without batting an eye or breaking a sweat this crazy 
hot mess of hydrogen when acting like some three year old that just witnessed a creepy old man taking candy out of her mouth might act
turns the otherwise cool mud and generally cool stone which of course you me and the horses who pulled the chariots we rode here on know  is Hydrogen split apart and re combined with itself as pieces of itself and the only two pieces in the smallest piece of any thing is the proton which is a n attractive point and an electron which is always attracted to attractive points and sometimes more attracted to flat planes poplulated with attractive points...

story for another day...

anywho since that good old Giza spot is right there on the sea coast and as luck would always have it for the lucky right well let me tell you if you think about this Earth on the 24 degree angle that it is on and just juice that up like a little lotus libation has the tendency to do you are looking at the snake we love to know as the Nile coiled up in the Great libation bowl which holds the water which after leaving the pond spends some months ripping apart at some points over the journey every thing in its path and at others gently massaging the bellies of electric eels sitting in the flow juicing up for a stunning and always big surprise for the guest lunch fiesta that they often 
do in groups being such an electrifying group as a group much more than as individuals as in you can say magnet and you can have a magnet with a magnetic field and magnetic attraction and magnetic repulsion but you can not have an electron as generally electrons go along the straightest line they can find which turns out to be a bit more difficult in the hydrogen sea of invisibility than it might seem to someone working in the light of day unless that was the harsh noon sun or the rising sun of heading east or the setting sun if driving west but who has cars to let's stop talking about what does not exist and 

and so they tend to bend along paths that look like lines from the line perspective and look like curves from the orthogonal orthogonal perspective in the same way that a hexagon is either a couple of squares, a cube or a handful plus one
equilateral triangles given the way you use the eyes you have to see and arrange the wavelengths into the different frequencies that compose each image. OR you will only see one of the many which
are all always the same arrangement of charges and a different
arrangement of your mind relative to the produce under scrutiny

When that spot which is a promontory according to some wordy 
smiths with dark glasses and other others and a bluff to the 
black jack players and something else according to some other people when that thing was not a thing it was going to be the evidence of a volcanic eruption right there on the Sea shore and when that thing stopped blowing the wind swept in an blew a few holes in the bread just like a decent sour dough starter is going to do when the manna is not something you want to clean the toilet with...

So now and pretty much since that particular set of events which probably lasted a few complete spins of the pale blue dot the freak enders and freaky week enders like me who live in a world without week ends know the thing is like swiss cheeze and so as the prevailing wind blows the water from the west to the east when a pile of water
hits the western wall of that volcanic sponge the water spouts out
of a hole in the middle 360 feet in the air if it goes up an inch and
the spray dissapates at the top so that a circle with a radius of 
3000 feet is covered with water when that wave passes and then guess what it does it again....

This my visier is why I was not in a state of total panic to the point of not being able to think or speak rationally when I realized that we went all the way to Gaza when we only needed to go to Giza which was going to be potentially the end of your employment in the Bee useful
corporation that the people who live along the nile work for collect benefits from and pay taxes back to in the same cyclic
sort of arrangement that Hydrogen engages  with itself
and with other versions of itself particularly the oxygen
variation and the resultant hydrogenated oxygen 
solution commonly called water with or without
salt boiled oiled frozen fresh fractured steamed
the one thing you do know is that the
two halves of hydrogen know how 
to get along in the world under
any set of circumstances
across the known spectrum
Pressure Tempreature turbulance 
wavelength frequency amplitude 186,000,000 MPS
Voltage Wattage Amperage
Watts = Amps X Volts
C^2= A^2 + B^2 
Circus = 6* radius  6.28 for increased accuracy 
Each vertex of a hexagon will touch a circumscribing circle
creating a lattice of six points with an 

The Giza Hydrofractor
at 30N/31E 
on the 360 degrees east to west where G 
the spot on the dot
that can be found 31
degrees or two hours and one minute
west of the magical G spot called Giza 

and 180 NS where E = 90
on a flat day which always never happens
as the pale blue dot is tilted
a number of hours to
the magnetic heater 
radiating hydrogen
at a 91 to 93 
million mile radius
while maintaining the
pole axis at
24 degrees with a slight
amount of turbulence 
due to the
the edges of
in the
and the Positive pole is ()
and the Negative pole is ()
along a line that circles
the sun at a 24 degree angle
relative to
the poles which
put the sun
in a position to have a
solar equator
defining the point
at the point

