There is already an enormous pool of water in this theoretical plasmic/more coherent than fluid less than crystal state here

Which asks the question that was never asked during the interview, which is how do you make the "mother water" ?

And if it can not be un made once it is magically made why do you need to seed the chaotic water with this
magic stuff which works better with more sun which the ocean could not possibly get more of but seems not to be producing
down there at the bottom of the ocean which is not apparently making any of the other water which is down there and not in
the water press being organized into less randomly dis organized plasmic one continuously rubs up against
the other and

every 7-10 years
While it's true that your cells regenerate on average every 7-10 years,2 there's a lot of variation. Your skin cells, for example, are replaced every few weeks. In fact, you lose close to 500 million skin cells every day. Cells in your skeletal muscles, on the other hand, take as long as 15 years to regenerate...... according to someone somewhere on the internet where I Just copied that from as the first googled answer...

seems like the trained quartz tuning fork shaped tube............................................................................=======~~~
might do the trick as the water in side transferred the vibration to the dry crystal and that song is playing
in the background while the waving of waves and hands is happening in the foreground and the aperture is shut down to bring
out the bokeh by br in G in G in the focus of the one while pixel eyes in G the other...

My guess the quartz rings at 432 or an integer factor of the radius of the sun and when you tune up a glass of water the
trillion or so in a drop start humming the tune that they hear in the background........and the maestro is on the podium
pointing to the violinist to strike A note to which the rest of the orchestra responds at some power of the twelfth root
of two

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia This article is about the mineral. For other uses, see Quartz (disambiguation). Quartz Quartz crystal cluster from Brazil General Category Silicate mineral[1] Formula (repeating unit) SiO2 IMA symbol Qz[2] Strunz classification 4.DA.05 (oxides) Dana classification (tectosilicates) Crystal system α-quartz: trigonal β-quartz: hexagonal Crystal class α-quartz: trapezohedral (class 3 2) β-quartz: trapezohedral (class 6 2 2)[3] Space group α-quartz: P3221 (no. 154)[4] β-quartz: P6222 (no. 180) or P6422 (no. 181)[5] Unit cell a = 4.9133 Ã…, c = 5.4053 Ã…; Z = 3 Identification Formula mass 60.083 g·mol−1 Color Colorless, pink, orange, white, green, yellow, blue, purple, dark brown, or black Crystal habit 6-sided prism ending in 6-sided pyramid (typical), drusy, fine-grained to microcrystalline, massive Twinning Common Dauphine law, Brazil law, and Japan law Cleavage {0110} Indistinct Fracture Conchoidal Tenacity Brittle Mohs scale hardness 7 – lower in impure varieties (defining mineral) Luster Vitreous – waxy to dull when massive Streak White Diaphaneity Transparent to nearly opaque Specific gravity 2.65; variable 2.59–2.63 in impure varieties Optical properties Uniaxial (+) Refractive index nω = 1.543–1.545 nε = 1.552–1.554 Birefringence +0.009 (B-G interval) Pleochroism None Melting point 1670 °C (β tridymite); 1713 °C (β cristobalite)[3] Solubility Insoluble at STP; 1 ppmmass at 400 °C and 500 lb/in2 to 2600 ppmmass at 500 °C and 1500 lb/in2[3] Other characteristics Lattice: hexagonal, piezoelectric, may be triboluminescent, chiral (hence optically active if not racemic) References [6][7][8][9]
Quartz is a hard, crystalline mineral composed of silica (silicon dioxide).
The atoms are linked in a continuous framework of SiO4 silicon–oxygen tetrahedra,
with each oxygen
being shared between two tetrahedra, giving an overall chemical formula of SiO2.
Quartz is, therefore, classified structurally as a framework silicate mineral and compositionally as an oxide mineral.
Quartz is the second most abundant mineral in Earth's continental crust, behind feldspar.[10]

The frequency at which the crystal oscillates depends on its shape, size, and the crystal plane on which the quartz is cut. The positions at which electrodes are placed can slightly change the tuning as well. If the crystal is accurately shaped and positioned, it will oscillate at a desired frequency. In nearly all quartz clocks and watches, the frequency is 32768 Hz,[1] and the crystal is cut in a small tuning fork shape on a particular crystal plane.[2]
This frequency is a power of two (32768 = 2^15), just high enough to exceed the human hearing range, yet low enough to keep electric energy consumption, cost and size at a modest level and to permit inexpensive counters to derive a 1-second pulse.[3] The data line output from such a quartz resonator goes high and low 32768 times a second.

(Redirected from Was sceptre)
in hieroglyphs

The was (Egyptian wꜣs "power, dominion"[1]sceptre is a symbol that appeared often in relics, art, and hieroglyphs associated with the ancient Egyptian religion. It appears as a stylized animal head at the top of a long, straight staff with a forked end.

Was sceptres were used as symbols of power or dominion, and were associated with ancient Egyptian deities such as Set or Anubis[2] as well as with the pharaohWas sceptres also represent the Set animal or Khnum. In later use, it was a symbol of control over the force of chaos that Set represented.

In a funerary context, the was sceptre was responsible for the well-being of the deceased and was thus sometimes included in the tomb-equipment or in the decoration of the tomb or coffin. The sceptre is also considered an amulet. The Egyptians perceived the sky as being supported on four pillars, which could have the shape of the was. This sceptre was also the symbol of the fourth Upper Egyptian nome, the nome of Thebes (called wꜣst in Egyptian).[3][1]

Was sceptres were depicted as being carried by gods, pharaohs, and priests. They commonly occur in paintings, drawings, and carvings of gods, and often parallel with emblems such as the ankh and the djed-pillar. Remnants of physical was sceptres have been found. They are constructed of faience or wood, where the head and forked tail of the Set animal are visible. The earliest examples date to the First Dynasty.

Seems to me that the entire pronunciation of the characters is particularly wrong at the particular points where it particularly matters
and as a result every thing which is read by someone reading what was written well over 5000 years before now by people who obviously
knew what know means and knew the difference between now and know in three different ways because they had to remember what
was not written down in stone or on sheets of dried and tied plant matter mashed into a useful material for making meaning known in
descriptive geometry which has a geometric shape when voiced as any Word Spoken = Word Mean in G = Accurate/Maat-ful Di Script ION
which the 42 Ass Ess Or S of Maat were all well versed in one heinous crime such as causing disturbance or causing confusion or
one of the other 40 specific in direction/action ideas which are colored for you to recode genetically with the geometric shapes the
components that are round or rectangular found in this type of product or that form of structured act ION in the ion bath known
as Wawa to the well read

Tied is what the big old boats with big old sails to get home were held together by
which is not the same tide that the clueless think has to do with some magic idea
known to all savants as Mass when the appearance of weight is the sum of the charge
change of a form that might be considered a sum due to the lack of exits or hands to wave

and at 142 feet there Maat be a connection to the Assessors of Maat aside from
showing the people alive now how/that rope is a very useful tool when one knows
how to tie a knot and keep water out of a flexible surface weighed down by a few
tons of stone as big as the box on the back of the copy of one now suspended in the air in Cairo..........

Been looking at the different proposed pronunciations of letters for a few years now and
as with the Greek/s who kept on mentioning the Egyptian/s which led me here it is obvious that
in some languages L is R is G and T is D and J is I and E is Ee ei ie i eye moi and the list goes on
the language of the land that no one
seems to know the name of because no one alive today has understood the language
that was translated one way which one person claimed made sense which everyone
who has followed has agreed to believe without attempting to take the language apart
down to the ] and the [ aong the /-\ where sometimes the perspective is \-/ and
that means more than it looks cute or the color is nice it means what it says
in sound aka frequency/wavelength/color aka frequency/wavelength/temprature
aka frequency/wavelength/density aka frequency/wavelength/motion aka
frequency/wavelength/structure aka frequency/wavelength/geometry aka arc/radius aka
distribution across a sphere aka frequency'wavelength/plane aka frequency/wavelength/ point
aka Frequency/Wavelength/line/s aka Frequench/Wavelet/point/s aka ....~~~==::

Either that or it is a complete coincidence that the first word which comes to mind
and out of a mouth was written in the same form as
The vein which feeds positively
charged fluid into the electrically
connected chambers of the
ib which id switched on
releases the clenched
valve and the electric
charges seeking
sanity move the
blood along
the Aorta
to produ
ce the
