The Four Essential Tao formed Functions

The Eight Principles of Incarnation

1. The polarization of
 tHe oNe {[|]}~(-)/(\)/(/)

Generates the appearance of the one
where there appear to be many
The primordial dark~/\/~ESS
The + defined as the opposite of the - + |

 <Nun//\/ The high frequency layers 
of wave forms formed 
as the AB{solute} Ba [comes] Π
 //\/ ((\/\/)) \/ | |-= \/\/
defining absolute Conscious~ness> 
conscious ly
as Ly sis
Brakes breaks separates like
charges from
from sister like likes
H shaped forms formed from
N aligned lines
Using thE Grid of E
Tied together with the 
Cross shaped T
where all right angles
are bound to be found
lying around dots 
 arranged in sets of three
(Till Tum the big old tummy filled with
this that and the other thing
The corp or the Real
The Corp and the Real
The Corp of the Real
The corp((oh))real
Shows the long wave lying down low
2. This division of "The"
AkA: The Polar
 is at Ion
The Principle process of / 
division by distinction
making the one able to be
by senses
Real Relation
among groups of two
Positive/Negative ~ Energy
Alkaline/Acid ~ SALT

3. To Exist as existence implies
A. Genesis of the corp of real
from the one to the men
B. Genesis of the Energetic vortex
defining the limits of the form and
the point of return to the one
defined by the geometry of the form
